What Color Makes People Want to Buy

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What color makes people want to buy is our subject of the day, when designing your website and writing your content the colors you choose could encourage more sales or not.

Color Psychology Guide

Here's a breakdown of how color psychology can influence buying behavior and how to use it to your advantage

1. Understanding Color Psychology

Different colors evoke various emotions and subconscious associations

. Here are some key colors and their general influence


Creates urgency, excitement, and can trigger impulse buys. Great for sale signs or "add to cart" buttons.


Inspires trust, security, and peace. Well-suited for finance or tech companies.


Represents growth, nature, and harmony. Perfect for organic products or health brands.


Evokes happiness, optimism, and energy. Ideal for grabbing attention or children's products.


Exudes sophistication, luxury, and power. Suitable for high-end brands or minimalist designs.

2. Choosing the Right Colors

There's no single "magic" color for sales. Consider your brand identity, target audience, and the message you want to convey.

Here are some tips to consider

  • Pick colors that reflect your brand's personality. For example, a playful toy store might use bright colors, while a law firm might stick to navy and white.
  • Consider your ideal customer's demographics and preferences. Research suggests men favor blue, while women lean towards purple
  • Match colors to the product's essence. Luxury watches might use black or gold, while athletic wear might use bold colors.

What colors are you using can put your website visitors in different moods, let us move on to learn more of how this works.

3. Implementing Color Strategy

Once you've chosen your colors, use them strategically across your website and content

Website background

Set a neutral tone for the background (white, light grey) to avoid overwhelming visitors.

Call to action (CTA) buttons

Use high-impact colors (red, orange) to make CTAs like "buy now" stand out.

Highlight important information

Use color to draw attention to important details like product features or discount codes.

Visual content

Maintain color consistency in images, graphics, and videos to reinforce your brand identity.

Additional Tips

  • Experiment and see what resonates with your audience through A/B testing.
  • Color meanings can vary across cultures. Research if you target a global audience.
  • Don't overdo it. Use a limited color palette for a clean and professional look.

By understanding color psychology and implementing these steps, you can leverage the power of color to create a visually appealing and persuasive website and content that drives sales.

How to Use Color in Your Content

Here are some specific ways you can use color psychology in your content to encourage more sales

Highlight Calls to Action (CTAs)

Use contrasting and bright colors (red, orange) for CTAs like "buy now" or "add to cart" buttons. They will immediately grab attention and entice clicks.

Showcase Products

  • Use colors that complement your products. For instance, if you sell organic vegetables, a background with earthy green tones (sage, olive) would subconsciously connect with the product's natural essence.
  • Use color variations to highlight different product features. If you're showcasing a red dress, use a contrasting color like white or blue in the background to make the dress pop.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Use red sparingly to create a sense of urgency, especially for limited-time offers or flash sales. Red text for "sale ends tonight" or a red countdown timer can nudge customers to a quick decision.

Evoke Trust and Security

If you're in the finance or tech industry, incorporate blues (navy, royal blue) throughout your content. These colors inspire trust and reliability, putting customers at ease when making purchases.

Apply Color Psychology Strategically

  • Consider the product's target audience. If your target demographic is young and energetic, using a vibrant color scheme (think yellow, teal) might be more effective.
  • Use colors to create a specific mood. If you're selling spa products, use calming colors (lavender, light blue) to evoke relaxation and pampering.

Maintain Color Consistency

Establish a color palette that aligns with your brand identity and use it consistently across all your content (website, social media posts, email marketing). This reinforces brand recognition and creates a sense of trust.

A/B Test for Best Results

Don't be afraid to experiment! While color psychology offers valuable insights, what resonates with your audience might be different. Use A/B testing to compare the effectiveness of different color combinations in your CTAs or product

Final Thoughts

Color is a powerful tool in your sales arsenal, but remember it's part of a bigger picture.

Here are some final thoughts to consider

  • While color can influence decisions, a user-friendly website with clear navigation and concise product descriptions is key to converting sales.
  • Don't rely solely on color to drive sales. Highlight the product's features, benefits, and value proposition to make informed decisions.
  • Pair your color strategy with high-resolution product images and engaging content to create a visually appealing experience that compels users to buy.
  • Color preferences can evolve over time. Follow marketing trends and design publications to stay current on what colors are resonating with consumers.

By strategically using color psychology and maintaining a focus on user experience and high-quality content, you can create a website and marketing materials that are not only visually appealing but also drive sales.

I hope you found this interesting and helpful,


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Recent Comments


A good post, Jeff. When I was studying for my graphic arts degree, we discussed the emotional effects of color and how they affect business. One thing we learned is while color does help, too much and it will have the opposite affect.

Thanks for sharing some great information.


Thank you for sharing, Nancy

I always am eager to read your comments to learn from you.

Enjoy your weekend


The subject of colour is fascinating Jeff. When looking to establish a brand consistency is important. I believe it's also important to ask other people's opinions as my bias can influence me! Liverpool Football Club, who I've supported since childhood, play in red and red is not always the most appropriate colour for marketing purposes.


Thank you for sharing, Rick

What color would you suggest we use for call-to-action buttons


Ha ha. Whatever colour we want as long as it's highly visible, bright and in keeping with our overall brand colour scheme.

I appreciate the topic on this post regarding of color coordination as it will be helpful in any business. :)

Myra ♥️

Thank you, Myra

I got to thinking about how my links in different colors worked in the past, so I thought I would research and share this for everyone to learn from


Great topic Jeff! I was just talking about this very subject with my wife the other day. Thank you for sharing this.

Thank you, Steve

I am happy my timing was so good in writing about this topic


Thanks for sharing that, Jeff. I hadn't really considered color much. But I can see how using colors in the correct way could be a useful tool.


Thank you, Karin

Many times little things like colors are overlooked by us


I know I sure overlooked it. I usually just go with whatever the theme throws at me! I know better now.


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