How to Research a Niche Using Google Trends

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Hello WA Family,

This morning I had some computer problems, I don't know if it is from all our rain or my computer is asking me to retire it. How to research a niche using Google Trends is what I am going to help you with today, this is a free method you can play around with when you have the time.

Google Trends for Niche Research

Google Trends can be a powerful tool for researching a niche. Here's how you can use it to your advantage

Identifying Potential Niches

  • Head to
  • Choose "Explore" then scroll down to "Trending searches" or "Ideas by category" to find broad topics that pique your interest.

Analyzing Niche Popularity

  • Enter keywords related to your niche idea. Google Trends shows interest over time on a scale of 0-100. This helps gauge overall search volume and trends.

Refine Your Niche

  • Look at "Related queries" to see what specific questions people are asking within your niche.
  • This can help you identify sub-niches or content ideas.

Analyze Seasonality

  • Change the timeframe to see if interest fluctuates throughout the year. This can be useful for niches with seasonal trends.

Geographic Targeting

  • Refine your search by location to see where the niche is most popular. This can help aim your content or product to a specific audience.

Helpful Tips

  • Enter multiple keywords to compare the popularity of different niches.
  • Use Google Trends alongside other research methods to get a well-rounded picture of your niche.

By using Google Trends strategically, you can discover promising niches. Don't underestimate this free tool for researching, let us learn more about Google Trends in my next paragraph.

Advanced Google Trend Research Strategies

Competitor Research

  • Enter your competitor's brand name or niche keywords to see their search trends. This can reveal their popular content themes or marketing strategies.
  • Look for dips in competitor trends or related queries with rising interest. This might indicate areas you can address with your content.

Content Research

  • Compare rising and declining searches within your niche. Capitalize on rising trends with fresh content, while addressing declining trends with a new perspective.
  • Utilize the "Year in Search" feature to see the top trending searches related to your niche for the past year.

User Behavior Research

  • Apply the "News Search" filter to see how search trends correlate with recent news articles.
  • Compare search trends year-over-year to see significant shifts in user interest. This can help you identify emerging trends within your niche.

Use Google Trends filters creatively. You can filter by category (e.g., Arts & Entertainment, Science) to get a more targeted view of search trends within your niche.

Final Thoughts

Combine Google Trends with other research methods for a comprehensive understanding. I spend much of my free time researching with a variety of methods and tools, you will find this can be your most important factor in being successful than any other.

I hope this helps,


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Marked as top Jeff

Thank you Fleeky

I do appreciate hearing from you


Thank you, Jeff. Very useful for niche finding.

Hello Haren Joshi

Great to hear from you, I thank you for reading my post and commenting

Enjoy your weekend

Informative and useful for me and maybe others as well,



Hello Clo

I am glad to hear you found this useful information

Take care

Thanks, and you too, take care and all bests in WA,


That's very useful, Jeff, however I click on the link but it doesn't seem to be working.


Here is a screenshot:

Hello Myra

I am sorry the link is not working, anything I can do for you


Very useful Jeff! I always use Google Trends when I start researching for a new design idea :)

Hello Romy

That is good that you take advantage of Google Trends for your design business, you are ahead of the game it sounds

Be a good girl

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