Hmmm. A Little Bummed

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Something I didn't know..

So I've been working on my SAC website using the siterubix domain name. As I mentioned in an early post here, I recently got indexed on Google and I was so excited. It took about 30 days from conception and 13 posts later for Google to finally index me.

To my surprise, once I moved my siterubix to my own .com my site is no longer indexed. So, how long does this typically take?

Will I have to wait another month or so to be indexed again because I am working off a new domain?

Well, that's a bummer.

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Good luck; wish you the best Janette.


you've tried to request indexing on google search consoles by checking your URL

Does you use the MOVE feature? If so, this handles all your redirects properly. Do note that after you do this you will need to set up your new website within Google Search Console, as it is a brand new entity.

That will lead to quicker indexing here. :)

Thanks Kyle. I didn't know about the search console. I will look it up, but luckily I was indexed pretty quickly. I'm still getting articles indexed on the as well so it's a little confusing to see emails from both websites.

Oh no you don't. Glad you decided to get your own .com site. If you want you could always update your sitemap with google if it has not been done so. All the best.

Thank you Michael

I have tested the Yoast plugin on my site. Let me tell you about my first experience with them. When I tried them the first time, 6 articles were indexed in almost a week.

So I felt that I read all their blogs and understood the rules enough to do it on my own so I removed that plugin (try to minimize how many plugins you use).

Then I wrote 7 more articles. 30 days went by and none of them indexed. Yesterday, I went back to Yoast and today one of the seven got indexed.

Yeah, don't freak about it. Google will get you out of the sandbox soon enough, once they figure out that you are indeed you!

thanks guys!

1 or 2 week, I just experienced the same thing recently.

It won’t take too long. Based off of my early experience, it was just about a week to get indexed after I transferred. Hang in there.

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