Contacted By A Company


Have any of you been contacted by a company asking to be advertised by your site? I was contacted by a legitimate company that reaches worldwide, asking if I would place an add on my site. I am of course doing it. but I never thought that would happen.

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I would want to get paid if I got that request: for every click, you get paid, or they pay you monthly, upfront.

How much monthly traffic do you get to your site: impressions and clicks? That would be interesting to see. It's great that you got noticed enough for the request!

I have been asked to write articles for websites in my niche, and for that, I get a link back to my website for the content I share on their website. But now, with all the AI resources, that has dwindled.

Press on, James!

You will get this sometimes, and oftentimes they will want to get a "backlink", by placing a post on your website to theirs.

You have to ask, what is the benefit to you. Are you charging for this? I would make sure you are being compensated in some way (some form of reciprocation).

thank you for the advice. I will do just that. I didn't want to jump the gun and agree to something before getting advice from some of you. I great appreciate the feedback.

Hi - does the ad relate to the niche topic of your website?

What are they offering in return?

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