Being Thankful

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I realize that so many countries are represented here at WA. I also know that not all countries celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

However, I simply wanted to say a big thank you to Wealthy Affiliate for giving me an all who are members here an opportunity. For this all of us should be thankful every day. Kyle and Carson owe us nothing, but they pour their lives into each and every business here.

So again, Thank You WA!!!

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Yes! Thank you WA!

Aloha, Jenna

Yes, thanks Jenna.

Unexpressed gratitude seems like ingratitude, thanks for sharing.

Thank you, Ahendaflo.

I don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I never forget
to give thanks to life for bringing me everything I have today
and WA is one of them.

Thanks for your post!

Thank you, Ingrid.

Thanks for sharing
have a great day

Yes, Tommy. Blessings!

Thanksgiving is an old age universal command from the almighty God, the creator of mankind (PS 100:4 & Colossian 3:15). Thank God for the nation like America and a few others whose leader were wise enough to adopt a day of thanksgiving to the creator of mankind and nations of the world. I whish Kyle and Carson and all WA family members a great and TRUE THNKSGIVING DAY!

Thanks for your input, Pastordna. Blessings!

Being thankful is what it is all about.
Have a wonderful day!

Thanks so much for your comment, CandP. Blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks so much Lesabre. Back at you!

A day of gratitude is a good thing no matter where we live. Enjoy your day. 🍗

So true, Debbie. Hope you have a great day.

OHH yeah I forgot. Does New Zealand celebrate Thanksgiving? Yep, I been telling all that very thing. Oops thanks for the reminder. No wonder they don't write with a thank you back. LOLS!

Btw Howard have a safe and wonderful Thanksgivings, willyaah!



Hey Frank, you taught me something today! Thanks for responding and blessings to you and yours.

Wha? What is that, curious?

You reminded me to be grateful and that is very important.

Take dare!

Go for it! Blessings.

Thank you Howard!

You have a safe and blessed day my brother!


And the same to you. Thanks and blessings.

Thank you for sharing. Thanksgiving Day.

You're welcome, Rubanzema. Hope your day is blessed.

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