The Future of Education?

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Kyle told me to create a blog post, and being the good student I am, here it is!

Talking of being a good student... let me tell you a bit about my niche.

So you've probably heard of homeschooling... but one of the most unique things about me, and my biggest passion, is unschooling.

What's the difference. you ask?

Well, homeschooling parents tend to use a curriculum and direct their children's learning. There are usually educational expectations and focused time spent on certain topics.

Unschooling parents empower our children to learn through life, rather than trying to break it down to subjects and spoon-feed knowledge to them that we think is important.

We provide lots of hands-on opportunities and real-world experiences and support our kids to follow their interests.

Believe it or not, this approach follows the research about how children actually learn. (Note how it's pretty much opposite to our current education system...)

For example, baking is reading and maths. A trip to the doctor triggers a dive into human biology and the history of diseases. The list goes on, and children are ALWAYS learning. They retain so much because they're engaged and interested in the world around them.

Parents are waking up to the idea that schooling isn't the best way to educate children (including school-at-home), and are looking for an alternative. A way to set their children up for success whilst respecting their autonomy and tailoring education to their unique preferences and learning styles. Not all parents want to battle everyday with their kids to try and get them to sit at the kitchen table to do a worksheet so they can tick a checkbox.

It can be tricky to go against the grain of society though, and many unschooling parents struggle with the demands of the approach, whether that be energetic or financial demands or other challenges.

Enter me :) My blog is designed to support parents as they embark on this incredible unschooling journey with their children.

My articles will give them practical tips and advice that make unschooling/self-directed education simple and straightforward, so they can focus on enjoying this extra time with their children while they're young.

I'm so passionate about this topic that so far I'm finding the articles come really naturally. (I wrote a 1200 one in 20 minutes, I think that's pretty good?!)

I'm so curious - have you heard of unschooling? What are your thoughts?

If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them.



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Recent Comments


An excellent first blog post Holly and all the very best for the future my friend! :-)

Thanks so much!

You're most welcome my friend!

This is good! My wife and I are going to pursue something similar with our kid(s). Do you mind sharing here (or PMing) me your site? My wife and I would love to follow it and read what you've got on it.

Sure thing! So many parents are pursuing this path, it's great to see. My site is
Would love to hear what you think and if there are any particular topics that would be helpful for you.

Also congrats on your first blog post :)


I love your blog post and share, it is very resourceful.

Thank you!

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