Step by step to online business

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Hey ! I am Hilde.

Four years ago I jumped into affiliate marketing without any experience or knowledge.

This was a huge step for me. A game changer.

I wanted to get more time freedom and financial freedom like many others who starts online.

I followed the steps in the programs I joined online without getting the results I hoped for.

Most of them were based on shortminded strategies and tactics chasing after quick profits.

I decided to learn skills I lacked to build a business online.

From the very beginning I had a clear vision - to build a recurring income and to help others do the same.

But the problem was:

I was a nobody online with a strong desire to make a change in my life , but little confidence .

I was camerashy, struggled to write more than 500 words and definitely not a tech person.

I did not know how to start and where to start until I found a blog post written by a Wealthy Affiliate member on how she managed to turn her life around

I generated thousands of leads to my various affiliate partners on my journey.

Learning the difference between prospects, leads and customers.

I practiced traffic skills and content creation skills, social media skills and seo skills.

If you practice you become better. Pure logic.

Now I am a digital creator, Course creator and building recurring income while helping others do the same.

This would never have happened if I did not take the risk and start in the first place.

I remember asking myself - Should I join Wealthy Affiliate or not?

Well, I am still here.....

I could have found thousand excuses for not starting. Time, money, lack of skills, lack of confidence and many other common insecurities we all have.

The thing is - There is never a perfect time - The perfect time is always NOW.

Yes, you will do tons of mistakes, but so what?

I am sure I have filled my quota and beyond many times.

Making mistakes will give you more Clarity about what works for you and what does not.

Remember Thomas Edison? the classic example on someone who found 10.000 ways that did not work before he found the solution?

One lesson I learned is that it all starts and grows with you.

We are all Thomas Edisons when we start...But You got the power to create whatever you want.

Two people can start on the same day online and 4 years later be on totally different stages in their journey.

It is what you do with this opportunity that will make all the difference.

Wealthy Affiliate have stood the test of time and is a serious and advanced affiliate business platform that will help you grow your business online.

The secret is very simple - Take the first step now and then. step by step to online business until you have the outcome you desire.

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Recent Comments


Awesome Hilde,

so great to hear your journey here in WA.

I am also a working progress and I made one commitment to myself was just sticking with Wealthy Affiliate Platform and taking it day by day, because there is so much to learn.

And we do not necessarily learn overnight or even have the time available instantly, everything takes practice and patience :)

Kind regard
Erica 😊

I could not agree more Erica👍 if we are willing to invest some time and money into learning and building a business and apply what we learn, we will achieve our goals one by one.

Absolutely Hilde :)

Great explanation here Hilde and all the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Thank you😀 I am taking one step at a time

The best approach we can take my friend! :-)

Keep going, Hilde. 😎

Frank 🎸

You know me frank! I keep going like a snail. Slowly and Steady . Doing lots of mistakes while enjoying my journey.😀

That’s the winning formula, Hilde. 👍😎

Great post, Hilde!!

And good job making this work for you!

Watch for a private message from me...


I think there are a lot of programs out there that can work. It’s all about you and the people you interact with. You have to be willing to learn and accept that things will take time. Do. Measure. Pivot.

Yes of course, there are lots of good programs out there. It is all about finding what works for you, right?
It all boils down to ourselves always.
I always believed that. When we grow, the things we focus on grows too.

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