About Hermainebigg
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I am a father of 2 beautiful, bright, and outgoing little girls. I am a soon to be husband that wants more for his family. I





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I know this was answered before but I would like some fresh perspective for myself and a co-worker.

I would like to know as a beginner what would be better to establish

It is a matter of preference given it all boils down to how well one monetize site in my humble opinion. You can start of with a niche site and then gradually start with your Authority site, remember it does take time and definitely effort to be to have an Authoritative site. Moreover, I concur with MarkBa. All the best to you in your endeavour.

Great insights! and an excellent response. I had the same question and found this answer useful.

I am going to test them both. And really see which I like that performs best.

I am not sure whether one is better than the other and I guess it depends on what you mean by 'better'?

Authority sites takes longer to establish but in the long-term I think they are better assets.

On the other hand they take a long time to establish and there's a chance it still may not work out financially so there's that risk to consider.

Sorry I probably haven't really answered your question with one over the other. Personally I prefer the authority site option but it's purely a personal preference.

Thanks for the insight, i should have been more specifc. Guess I was a tad bit nervous about asking the question.

I would say better would mean easier to monetize.

This was a great question and Mark you provided an excellent answer. I was wondering how they both worked as well. I now am clear on the direction to possibly take in the future. Thank you!

Same. In the words of Russell Brunson Ima test test test and see which performs best

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Authority vs niche site which is best for a beginner?

Authority vs niche site which is best for a beginner?

asked in
Getting Started

I know this was answered before but I would like some fresh perspective for myself and a co-worker.

I would like to know as a beginner what would be better to establish

It is a matter of preference given it all boils down to how well one monetize site in my humble opinion. You can start of with a niche site and then gradually start with your Authority site, remember it does take time and definitely effort to be to have an Authoritative site. Moreover, I concur with MarkBa. All the best to you in your endeavour.

Great insights! and an excellent response. I had the same question and found this answer useful.

I am going to test them both. And really see which I like that performs best.

I am not sure whether one is better than the other and I guess it depends on what you mean by 'better'?

Authority sites takes longer to establish but in the long-term I think they are better assets.

On the other hand they take a long time to establish and there's a chance it still may not work out financially so there's that risk to consider.

Sorry I probably haven't really answered your question with one over the other. Personally I prefer the authority site option but it's purely a personal preference.

Thanks for the insight, i should have been more specifc. Guess I was a tad bit nervous about asking the question.

I would say better would mean easier to monetize.

This was a great question and Mark you provided an excellent answer. I was wondering how they both worked as well. I now am clear on the direction to possibly take in the future. Thank you!

Same. In the words of Russell Brunson Ima test test test and see which performs best

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