I am Falling back - Can't let this happens.

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I think I am falling back to top 400. I was in Top 300 the best I got is like 281 then I keep fall back to 296 to 300 to 308 now to 328.I cannot let this happen.

My guess is when you keep climbing you will fall back after making consistent progress.the problem is why you are not seriously dealing with the small set back slowly become a down site and slowly breeze off and you are out and you quit.

So I think is normal, but don't let this effect you progress as if not bounce back it will lead back to where you started from. So I am very much need the attitude perseverance to keep going,

As this small pit stop call leads to procrastination.

Lack of drive to motivation and inspire our self

Clarity become blur in vision, need to give a slap on my face to wake up

Reflect on the goal.What you want be more specific on it so you have more Crystal clear on you why. What actually you want.

Keeping the Affirmation and Anchor to boost up you spiritual mind .

Lack of meditation leads to out of focus.

Fail to plan result in guarantee plan to fail.

Keep doing the same thing and never adapt to hunger for more .

Static progress. Need dynamic progress.

Stay yo you metric aka you measurement to you progress.

Refine you method strategy tweak to the results you want.

Keep Taking action so that you you will know what works and what not .

So be careful stay perseverance every give up or quit. Keep continue to move to climb the mountain. You are so involve now. You can't turn back anymore is the only option that you can is to take one more step\p to continue again come on another step yes that it one small step again leads to another step and I can see now you are starting to pick up back from where you stop.

Yes keep moving you are doing fine yes keep it up that the way to built up the momentum and the drive, Yes keep going don't stop as you can do it put to the next gear 3 to 4 to 5 Wohooo now I see it you accelerate yes this is it you are on back to you own right track.

Here we go we start back to over start again to keep moving forwards our goal.

Remember don't let this small stop distracting you or robbed you attention. Keep up the focus as nowadays everything to distract you concentration.Once you are interrupted by this social media thing, news,video ,you tube will lead you yo slowing you down and can result in stopping you for permanent.

So let this be a lesson to us that don't ever let this small thing distract you that will become big will leave control so discipline you self play a main role by setting up yourself to win that is you mindset.

So don't waste any more time keep set you priories right. Continue to move you mind and body to you next level. That is the Bounce back after fall back and hard.

I got to step up and stand up.

So is time to move back to you Laser focus and more commitment and take ownership be

super responsibility with you life is you choice to change make things happen.

I got to get up and continue the journey I am stopping way too long don't let it distracting

I am boucing back. I'm back again.

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Recent Comments


I'm glad that you are back and making dreams happen for yourself.


Yes is important to deals with setback and flaws as you know what is the best for you to focus on your direction. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😁

I agree. πŸ™‚

I don’t t care about rank. I work on my website and take a break when I need to. I have many distractions but I don’t let them distract me too long

Yes that is what priorities are. Working on with our websites.


Yes, Henry--perseverance is key to your success here in WA!!


Yes the art of keep taking action and nevey give up habitsπŸ‘†πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

In my humble opinion, while rank can be fun, it isn't something to obsess over. I agree about meditation, although it isn't one of my skills.

Thanks for reading my post,While Rank is not as important as what we really want to achieve is it just as important as it act as a drive to motivation.Is just like a challenge .The way how you look at it if it is as a excited and motivating moving towards your goal.Is like our vehicles to get to destination.And money as amplifier to our sucesss even though it is not the most important element but it
is what can bring us to our dreams.πŸ˜πŸš— $$

It certainly does provide motivation, Henry--that's for sure!


Thanks for taking your time to read my post. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

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