Progres! Slowly but forword.
Progress! Just keep going!
It took me 18 months to be at the end of level 2 from Certification Course. That is a long time. But for me, it is more important that I reach this point anyway.
First of all, I am glad that I found WA. From the other site, I had to find because I was looking very hard. I knew that lot of people was making money on the internet and of course, I won't miss that. The problem was that I don't know How to do? And What to do?
Some of you think why took me so long to finish the second level. Again I was learning the hard way, and in between, I started Boot camp course because I want to make money fast to quit my job and do the internet marketing full time.
Well is not so easy what I was thinking of. My biggest problem is to write content and of course lack of time because of my job. I knew that I need to find a different solution. I found a job with better schedule what allows me to work more on my online business.
What is my Niche?
I have over 20 years experience in residential construction and think that I can help a lot of people with that. The world gets craze and lot of people want to make quick back which the residential construction is a perfect place for that. My idea is to inform people about the proper way to build and renovated house.Which is the best price efficient way.
Successes and things that I am proud of it.
I learned a lot, worked a lot and helped some people in my life. But my most significant success will be when all my knowledge and experience are used to help even more people.
What is my plan?
Finish the Certification Course
Keep going with learning to write content and developing my website
In the six months quit the job and doing my way
I would like to finish with the words from Albert Einstein
" There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a Miracle;
The other is as though everything is a Miracle."
I choose my way! What about you?
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