What to delve into.
I guess like everyone, I have been getting all sorts of emails showing up in my inbox. Free Courses, Crystal Ball predictions, the coming population boom. (in about 9 months ).
Stories like, " How my door bell betrayed me".
Conspiracy therories about the future of cash and gold, and of course, the usual fare of WA posts notices, best auto responders, SEO notices, Some one menioned you on FaceBook, etc etc.
You can waste a lot of time on these. Particulary if you normally work and you now have a bit of free time to open them and see what they actually say!.
Of course some may be subscriptions, in which case having a folder to save them to makes life that much more simpler.
The point though, is you should know the good mail from the junk mail coming into your inbox by now. Using shortcut keys to delete emails will get you out of the time wasting mood, and within a couple of clicks, you can be into Jaxxy, or a writing program, and being creative.
All the best,
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Great post, I do have sub folders in my email accounts and only spend "free" time on some of them. And I am brutally honest in deleting my mail that does not help me progress.