Created a Logo for my SITE! I did It!
Spend some time working on several logo designs for my website. The one above is what I will settle for. It's not as fancy, but it just mesmerizes me that I was raw when I joined Wealthy Affiliate and now my fountain of knowledge keeps growing every day.
It's funny how in the first days I would always think about when I would make money cause I wanted it now. With the time, I have spent here as a premium member I have learned that there are more important things in this business than money, at this stage of my growth.
I am realizing that it's more rewarding to actually learn a concept apply and tweak it as necessary and see the changes and the effect this has on my website. It has also been a fulfilling experience to able to help the new guys in any way I can. I know how it is when you are just starting.
The overwhelm, the excitement, the anticipation of money rolling into the account in a few short months and all. I guess many here have had this feeling as well.
Now I fully know and understand that this is a business that I am trying to build. I also understand that it takes time and that there are more than just a few concepts one has to understand before one can even begin to think about the money. All is well. I know if I keep working and never stop, some day, and I mean someday, I will live to tell another story.
Here are some of the benefits that I have enjoyed since I became a premium member:
- I watch less TV now than at any time I can remember. I was addicted to CNN and Monday Night Raw.
- I spend more time learning about skills that bring fulfillment in my life.
- My relationship with my family has changed and I feel that I am very productive. The downside is that the day seem to be too short for me and this has resulted in instances where I don't rest well.
- I have gained knowledge from the training and community here that I also use to help some new people.
- I have helped a group in my community to launch their website. They actually think I am a guru and I have pretended to be one.
- I am now working more on getting rid of my procrastination.
- My fears are getting less and less and I find myself easily coming out of the comfort zone.
- Wealthy Affiliate has also made me realize that I can write. Yes, I can. I was so afraid of writing and used to think it was a lot of work. Now I write without stopping and ideas keep coming.
- I am getting better at organizing my information than when I started. I still have some improvements to make, more of them but hey, that is why I am here.
Thank you, Wealthy Affiliate and this amazing community. If I was lost I can now declare that I have been found. I feel like standing on the mountain top, but I realize the time will come. And I will stand on top of that mopuntain.
Good luck to everyone and have a blast with your businesses. Yes! we will get there.EVENTUALLY.
Best regards.
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Tich, you are so right and money aside, one can get extremely pumped from achievement and accomplishment. I'm so glad I found this place too. Have a great evening. Shirley
Thank you, I find that I am more productive when I am pumped. That is when my sugar levels will be high and I feel the vibe. I have stopped looking at my involvement here at WA as work.
since then I have fun doing this. I wish I could pick up the pace. But better take a step forward than being idle.
Best regards.
I can relate to that. Not enough time in the day to do much. Glad for you Tich, it's all your hard work and you've earned it...
God bless,
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Tich I really like your logo! It is unique! It is amazing how much we grow as we develop as we travel this pathway in our journey of developing our businesses! Yes you will reach your mountain top!
True that Christabelle. I can't wait for the mountain top day.
That will truly be a day of great rejoicing! & Thanksgiving! :)