My Experience with Wealthy Affiliate
Thanks to Jay and all of the great local marketing training! Because of his and others training I’ve been able to acquire a client locally. I’ve built this website from the ground up and am tweaking things constantly along with building citations so he ranks well. Out of necessity, I’ve learned a little HTML and CSS. I’m far from where I want to be but I’ve progressed a lot since July 2013 when I joined WA. I’m now just starting to work on a local marketing website as I slowly release some of the initial website ideas I had early on.
My thanks to WA for all the training and community. I’m convinced that WA provides us with a tremendous opportunity to change our circumstances in life by learning a new skill. A skill that can lead to fulfillment and monetary gain…
Thanks WA.
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You have a big heart,you been down before and now see nothing but glory-be blessed,crazy me i thought this was sunday
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It's crazy all the different paths that present themselves once you open the WA door...almost like how deep does this rabbit hole go haha anyway I agree with honing your acquired skills into one maybe two niches and then scale those out. Obviously once you have a comfortable consistent income from that then by all means branch out.