Getting A Dutch DAFT Visa as an American Resident Marketing Freelancer

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Are you an American resident marketing freelancer looking for opportunities to live outside of the USA? Would you like to stay in a country with an exceptional life-work balance? If yes, the Netherlands is one of the best countries to consider. With the aid of a Dutch DAFT visa, you start living your dream in the Netherlands without much hassle.

What is the Dutch DAFT visa?

To understand the Dutch DAFT visa, it is paramount to know what DAFT means. DAFT refers to the Dutch American Friendship Treaty, which is a 1956 agreement between the Netherlands and the United States of America. Basically, this treaty is for enabling freelancers and entrepreneurs from the USA to obtain Dutch residency to start a business in the Netherlands.

In this context, “starting a business” means:

  • Starting a physical business that offers a service or product to people. Otherwise, you can buy shares of an existing business in the Netherlands or open a branch of an existing US business in the Netherlands.
  • Selling a service such as digital marketing, web development, music, and video editing, graphic designs, copywriting, UI/UX design, etc.

If you are an American, this treaty between the USA and the Netherlands has simplified the process of getting a residence permit in the European nation.

What are the requirements for obtaining a Dutch DAFT visa?

If you are interested in obtaining a Dutch DAFT visa as an American resident marketing freelancer, you need to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Run your business between the Netherlands and the USA
  • Start a business or profession with an investment of at least €4,500. Notably, you have to keep the amount in a business bank account. If your business bank account goes below the stipulated amount, you may lose your Dutch DAFT visa
  • Possess a passport or another valid travel document
  • Be capable of earning enough money to avoid Dutch welfare programs
  • Don’t be a risk to national security and public order
  • Be self-sufficient for a long time
  • Provide only true information about your current or previous applications

Also, you must never have previously lived in the Netherlands illegally. As shown above, you don’t have to learn the Dutch language to apply for and get this visa.

Once you meet the conditions, you can book an appointment with the IND. When you are done with the IND, you should get in touch with the municipality with your BSN number (Dutch social security number) obtained from the IND.

If you have used a DAFT visa for at least 5 years, you are allowed to apply for Dutch citizenship or a permanent resident permit.

How easy is it to obtain a Dutch DAFT visa?

As stated early, the Dutch DAFT visa is open to every American entrepreneur and freelancer. So, as long as you meet the conditions, you are likely going to get the visa. Based on a report from the Dutch Immigration Service, 360 and 320 applications were submitted for the DAFT visas in 2017 and 2016 respectively. In both years, the success rate was 100%.

This further establishes the fact that getting a Dutch DAFT visa is easy. However, you may want to get in touch with experienced travel agents that can aid the success of your DAFT visa application.

What is it like to live in the Netherlands?

Perhaps you are thinking about what it feels like to live in the Netherlands. Without a doubt, the Netherlands is a great place to stay for Americans because of the following reasons:

  • Astounding work-life balance

If you are looking for a country with a great work-life balance, then the Netherlands is the place to be. This European nation has one of the best work-life balances in the world. Typically, the Dutch people usually begin work early and leave early to spend time with their loved ones. Besides, many of them work part-time or from home for a few days per week.

  • No language barrier

Although the Dutch language is the official language of the Netherlands, most people in the country speak English. Therefore, as an American who speaks English, you can never struggle with communicating with people in this European country.

  • Safety and tolerance

Apart from having friendly and welcoming people, the Netherlands is a safe place to live. The country has one of the lowest crime rates around the globe. In addition, Dutch people are tolerant of everyone regardless of their cultural backgrounds, races, sexual orientation, etc. So, you can enjoy this country without fear of insecurity or discrimination.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy the massive benefits offered by the Netherlands, apply for a Dutch DAFT visa now.

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Recent Comments


This is some really good info, Gajura! Thanks for the share! I hope 2022 is oyur BEST year yet!


You are welcome! Wish you all the best in 2022

Much appreciated, Gajura!

Interesting. Do you know if it also possible to obtain a DAFT visa without being an American resident?

Love this , great heads up. I have heard though the Netherlands is quite expensive to live in. But I am not knowledgeable about this at all. The northern European countries appeal to me as I was born in New Zealand.


Thanks, I never knew this. Very interesing.

You are welcome!

Good read, thank you.

You are welcome!

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