3 TOP TIPS if your New Year Resolutions are failing already.

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So, we are already nearly 3 weeks into the new year and according to statistics, many of us will already have given up on those New Year resolutions that we set just a few weeks ago.

Feeling a twinge of recognition?

Perhaps a pang of guilt?!

Then read on, and I will ease your pain...

Many of us use the New Year to re-evaluate our lives. The festive season often gives us a chance to stop the general noise and clutter that goes on the rest of the year, even for a short time, and focus on other things. We sometimes find we have a little more time to think clearly about the things we appreciate in our lives, and the things that we'd rather change, and so our New Year's resolutions are born.

In the excitement, we might feel that we have to change everything, all at once, or we set ourselves such unrealistic goals in a short time frame, that even Superman and Wonder Woman would struggle to achieve them.

But does that mean we should just give up on our new goals and aspirations?

Of course not - but we may need to learn about how change can become a lasting habit a little more, and adjust our initial thinking accordingly and here are 3 top tips to help, if you find yourself in this situation.

TIP 1 - Focus on the benefits

Remember WHY you wanted to set your goal or change something in your life and write down a list of what you will gain when you achieve your goal. Then spend a few minutes each day focusing on these things. No one is motivated by a goal - but we are motivated by the things we think we will get if we achieve that goal, so focus on these benefits when you think about your goal, rather than just the goal itself.

For example, if you have set yourself a weight loss goal, think about how much more energy you will have and the greater sense of well-being it will bring. Or how you might be able to play with your children or grandchildren more easily, or fit into your favourite jeans again. Thinking of the BENEFITS you will get gives you a little 'kick' of motivation, that just reading over your goal does not. That's because it starts to engage your emotions more, and that in itself, can help you achieve more.

TIP 2 - Break goals into small chunks

Break the goal down into manageable chunks that can be achieved in a short time frame such as a week, or even a day. When building a nest, a bird has to do it one twig at a time.... and they have no arms, they're just using a beak! But one twig at a time is enough - eventually, they'll build a nest.

If you have set yourself a goal or writing 4 articles a month for example, break this down into weekly tasks such as 1 article a week, or even something like: day 1 - search for a keyword; day 2 - research; day three - affiliate research; day 4 - write 500 words etc. You get the idea. Give yourself manageable chunks to do rather than the whole task. Remember that you can't leap to the top of the mountain in one step - you need thousands of small step, and sometime a ladder! (In this case, the 'ladder' might be something that can help such as a framework, subtitle ideas or an overall structure for your article.) Remember those PEAL/PEEL paragraphs that they teach you at school? They do that for a reason - because if gives you an easy to follow formula for achieving your goal. The principle here is the same.

TIP 3 - If you fall, get back up!

Finally remember the phrase,

"Winners never quit and quitters never win"

This is such a simple phrase but it is also so true. If you quit something, then you will never achieve it, and if you really want to achieve it, you will never quit! So don't worry if you have a bad day, just start again the next day, or the next or the next. Just keep starting over and getting back up, and you will eventually achieve your goal. There is not one successful person in the world who has had an easy ride, no matter how things may look on the outside. And the most successful people in the world make the most mistakes - they just choose to learn from them, get up and carry on.

So that's it - you set your goals back in late December for a reason. The chances are those reasons were important to you and came out of a desire to change your life for the better. So remember those reasons, give yourself a sporting chance and never give up!

And who knows what you'll find in your New Year's nest!

Wishing you all the best - 2023 is here for the taking!


PS. Let me know how you are getting on with your New Year resolutions in the comments.

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Recent Comments


Didn't make resolutions. Made determinations.


An excellent read for those of us who make resolutions Gail!

And also very beneficial for those of us who don't!

Thanks for the share my friend!

You're very welcome. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.
All the best.

You're most welcome my friend and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Those are all great points. Thanks for the inspiring read!


Hi Susan. Thanks and glad you liked it.

Very nice post, indeed, Gail! I guess the good thing for me is that I don't make New Year's resolutions, so does that mean that I am off the hook?

I hope 2023 has gotten off to an excellent start for you, my friend!


Off the hook? You wish!!
Of course - I also try to avoid resolutions at New Year just for the sake of it and try to make them when I need them... like tonight!

2023 has been good so far - a few challenges but that's what makes life fun, eh?!]

Haha, you are so right, Gail! Anytime that we are alive, then life is a Grand adventure!

I'm glad things are going well for you, my friend!


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