How quick is your site? Google Website Speed Test


Hello my Friends,

I have been searching for information regarding WP-themes in order to choose (and buy) THE ONE.

I am still searching and gathering information. :) On one of the sites, that I was checking the following bumped into my eyes: "website speed score". Hmmm, this is quite interesting, let´s just test it on my own site!

I also discovered that Google had a proper tool for this (what Google does not have?):

so, I made the test. The result you can see here:

I use the Iconic One theme (free version) and this is one of my candidates for buying due to its extreme loading speed. If you click on the "Get my free report" they send you a detailed analyze. I received it within 4 hours.

They give you tips regarding all three below-mentioned category

- Mobile friendliness

- Mobile speed

- Desktop speed

if something should be optimized and how (there is a link below the respective problem). I show the Desktop category as an example:

This can be a great resource if you need to know relative quickly how well your site is working and how can you fix some problems.

Let me know if you already use this tool and how useful is it!

I´ll be glad about your comments! Thanks!

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Great post. Bookmarked for reference and diagnostics.

Thank you, Michael! I think it could show even more interesting results if you would compare this with another similar tool. If the results match more or less, both can be considered really useful and credible. If not, well, in this case, one of the resources fails in something...

That's really interesting, thank you :)

Thanks, Jude! I hope it helps to give an overview of these things (that I still don´t understand at the moment, I need to get to that information in the WA-course :)).

HI Gabriella, I got hold of this tool the other night and tested my sites. I was appalled at the desktop speed of my main site - 38% although it is 99% mobile friendly.... I hope this is real because I am spending a lot of time just now trying to fix it. cheers James

Hi James, Thanks for your feedback! Well, there are for sure plenty of factors and aspects to check and optimize regarding your website speed. I suppose it should be a trusworthy resource as it belongs somehow to Google. If you know other similar resources you can always compare your figures. Cheers, Gabriella

Thank's for your post!! Speedy

Thanks for your feedback, Brian! I would say, it can be useful, perhaps we don´t need to take it soooo seriously. However, there are always some indicators that are good to check. Have a nice day!

Thanks Gabriella,
Mine scored Friendliess 100
Mobile speed 68
Desktop speed 83

Thanks, Erica, for dropping by! Yes, these figures make us think... Good luck for the optimization!

Wow, thanks, Gabriella.
mine scored mobile 95
mobile speed 63 is not good.
desktop speed 75
looks like I have some work to do.

Hi Mike, Thanks for taking the time to read my post! You will receive a detailed report where you will see what is OK and what needs to be fixed. (I did not understand anything of my report as I am a newbie, so it will take time until a can fix things. :)

This is awesome Gabriella. Mine scored 100%, 72% and 85%. Great resource, thank you :)

Wow Chuka, Your scores are really high! Congrats!

Thanks for sharing this helpful info, Gabriella.

My pleasure, Rosa! Thanks for reading and commenting!

Not bad at all, my mobile friendliness is also 100%, but all my sites score lower on the rest, I am not above the 65%

Thanks for the feedback, Loes! Check out your detailed report, they will suggest you some actions for improving the scores.

Yes I know about the actions they suggest:)

Thanks for the share, Gabriella:). This will be helpful:)

Hi Suzi, Thanks for your quick comment! It is not a very scientific tool but I am sure that for newbies like us can be helpful.

You're doing great for a newbie! I'm still trying to figure out what's going on!!!

Everyone has his own speed, we don't need to test it as it was a website. You are doing great, Suzi!

Thanks:). I appreciate that!

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