Not All Pinterest Followers Are Created Equal: How I Reached 500 Engaged Followers.

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

It's the day after the US Labor Day long weekend, and I'm all partied out with family and friend get-togethers, beach activities, and cookouts. Lol 😎

Today, I might have something useful for those with a Pinterest account. One of the metrics that can determine your success on this platform is the number of people who follow your pins.

Read on to learn more!

The Importance of Pinterest Followers for Online Marketers: The Good, Bad, and Ugly!

I just love to create musical images! However, Pinterest is not just a fun place to create and save images of guitars and amps - it's a powerful platform for driving traffic, building brand awareness, and increasing conversions! Success on Pinterest is not just about how many followers you have but who those followers are.

The Best Followers: Highly Engaged and Relevant

The most valuable followers on Pinterest are those who are highly engaged with your content and align with your target audience. These followers actively repin, save, and click through to your website or landing pages. They are more likely to become leads or customers, providing measurable value for your business. A smaller but highly engaged follower base can drive more traffic and conversions than a large, passive audience. Therefore, you should focus on creating content that appeals directly to your niche and theirs, encourages engagement, and builds a community around the brand.

Followers to Avoid: Inactive and Misaligned

While it might be tempting to inflate your follower count with anyone who clicks “follow,” inactive followers provide little to no value. These are users who may have followed your account but never engage with your content. Their presence can dilute your engagement rate, making your pins appear less appealing to Pinterest’s algorithm, which prioritizes active engagement. For online marketers, it's crucial to monitor your follower quality regularly and avoid strategies that focus on quantity over quality.

So, having people who have a Pinterest site about outdoor gardening follow my Pinterest music site isn't the best approach, even if they play the guitar!

Take a look at some of the Pinterest sites with a very high number of followers, and you will see that they have created a diverse range of niche categories unrelated to their own. Sometimes, it can be challenging to actually figure out what their target niche is! It's unlikely that they have followers who are highly engaged and converting.

Attracting the right followers can be especially challenging for people like me who have a less popular Pinterest niche. Still, it's important to vet your followers because we are ultimately trying to please the Pinterest algorithm the way we try to please the Google algorithm that ranks content in it's search results.

The Risk of Spam Followers

Spam followers can be particularly harmful. These accounts often have no genuine interest in your content and can negatively impact your account’s credibility and engagement metrics. For marketers, it's essential to clean up these types of followers regularly to maintain a healthy and effective Pinterest presence. You can block these followers from downloading and engaging with your pins.

Why the Right Followers Are Essential

When someone follows your Pinterest site, they will see your pins in their feed. Theoretically, if they were on Pinterest for twenty-four continuous hours, they would see all the pins you posted for that day.

So, you want to market to followers who are true fans of your site, and ideally, at the times of day and night when they are most active on Pinterest!

Artificial Intelligence Made All the Difference For Me!

Before I started using AI on my Pinterest guitar site, I only had 5 high-quality followers and about 2,500 monthly views after two and one-half years. Admittedly, I wasn't pinning there often.

I began using ChatGPT to create my pins on January 2, 2024. At that time, I set a goal of having 500 to 1,000 high-quality followers and 500,000 to 1,000,000 monthly views by December 31, 2024. Using AI, I currently have 500 followers and 858,000 monthly views in eight months!

The next step is to try running some Pinterest ads to see what kind of conversion rate I can achieve.

I might hit the 1,000,000 monthly visits mark, but I'll fall short of 1,000 followers. However, I'm okay with that because I'd rather have 500 engaged followers than 1,000 followers who are not interested in guitars and amps!

This shows the power of using AI to get views and followers on a platform like Pinterest, which is easy to automate and allows me to create and schedule five to ten new pins a day in about just thirty to sixty minutes!

It fits in nicely with the two to three hours a day I have to spend on online marketing. If you know me, then you realize how difficult it is to put down a guitar! Lol 🎶

How are You Getting Followers on Your Pinterest site?

What are you doing to get engaged followers on your Pinterest site? Are you using AI to automate your pin creation and target your followers?

Let me know your thoughts, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It!, AND ...

Don't be a noisy neighbor, Lol! 😃 (Pin created by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🤘🎸

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Recent Comments


Awesome, Frank, thanks for the info :-) I have been doing a couple of paid pins for a while and getting some good results, even a couple of referrals to WA. It hasn't been that long. I'm happy with the 19 followers I have. I started with about 2. I forgot a couple of key points like hashtags :-( I added some tagged topics, but I also learned they are not the same as hashtags) Live and learn, be consistent, and keep creating awesome pins is my plan, lol. Thanks again for the info, you rock 🎶🎶😎🎸

You’re welcome, Kerri.

You’re doing a great job! 👍👍😎

I’ll have to create some reviews for high-end guitars and amps and try promoting them along with a digital musical product on Pinterest.

Frank 🤘🎸

Dear Frank, this September for me is all about Pinterest.
I subscribed to the platform very early when it was founded so I have 3000 followers,
but I noticed that the real success of a pin is related to the keywords > query most searched by people.

Pinterest offers us a wide range of tools to understand these keywords, so this research is mandatory.

At the moment, I have only 10,000 views in the last 90 days, because I worked on it very randomly, but now it will start the real work on it!

Remember that also you can tag your products on idea pin, so people can click directly on that product if they are interested!

I will take all your tips as treasure advices and congrats for your wonderful journey on the platform!

Thanks, Romy! 🙏

Yes, pin keyword research is very important. I do it manually on Pinterest and have AI generate keywords and hashtags that are "trending" for each pin.

I know that you're killing it on Pinterest, so keep up the excellent work! 👍👍 😎

Frank 🎸

Killing on Pinterest is a great word, Frank! Lol!!!

I want to ask you this: how many keyword do you put in each pin? I usually put just one keyword that I found manually as you do, and then ask gtp to find me 15 hashtags related to the pin image and text.

Do you use the same strategy?

Hi Romy

I mean that you’re “killing it” in the best possible way! 😎

I put the target keyword in the title and description and then have ChatGPT generate trending hashtags. Depending on the pin, there are usually about 8 to 10 hashtags (sometimes more), and they all contain keywords meant to make it visible to various interest groups.

Frank 🎸

yeah it is the same approach that mine! Let's keep working :)

Absolutely, Romy! 😎

Hi Frank,
I have about 618 followers and I get around 8000-10000 views if I run an ad for my new travel business but I haven't pinned in a while so my view count is really down now. I hadn't thought about using AI for Pinterest. Thanks for sharing the insight about using AI. All the best,

Hi Dee

AI makes it easy to automate Pinterest so you can pin every day and create an ideal community of followers.

I haven't tried running any Pinterest ads yet, but that's something I am planning in the future. It's somewhere on a very long list of to-dos. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks, have a great week. :)

You, too, Dee! 😎

Thanks Frank for the Pinterest inspire to business. I personally have not started a business account yet, but it is always good to read ahead…lol

Yeah, give it a try when you're ready, Rick. 😎

Frank 🎸

Hi Frank!

Nice graphics! It shows we are all interested in getting back to our youth and the love of cartoon-type images! LOLOL

No, Actually, I have not used AI for my sleepy Pinterest account, but I need to try it out and see what happens.

As always, thanks for sharing!

Have a great day!!

Thanks, Howard!

Yeah, I still love cartoons, which always bring out the kid in me! Lol 😎

Definitely give AI a try, and be sure to vet your followers. They can accumulate quickly if you're in a popular Pinterest niche.

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank! Will do.

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