About Floria
Rank 142608
140 followers Joined October 2018
chaotic funny abstract with an old soul. I am the mud that makes the lotus flower bloom :)





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asked in
Getting Started

I speak english, german and tagalog. The latter is my mother tongue. I am not a good writer. I have good ideas but writing is not my strength. Do I have a chance?

Hi Floria,
I would say there are 100% chances to earn money. All you need to do is follow my 10 tips :
1. Take the lessons religiously,
2. Do not get overwhelmed with the tons of information,
3. Go for a live chat whenever in doubt,
4. Write on the topic you love,
5. Write to help others and not for income as income is bound to follow the serious action takers,
6. Enjoy the community but with proper time management,
7. Work only on one niche at a time till you get success,
8. Do rigorous homework on keywords,
9. Use your common sense and
10. Last but the least Ask, Ask and Ask a lot of questions.

You see I am not a good writer but wrote approximately 170 words for you ( just got the idea that a blog can be written on this topic..LOL). It's that Simple!

Just have faith in you and you will earn money in due time. All the Best.

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur.


My English is not perfect, I got many comment on my bad English grammar but I still write.

Hi.. Thank you. How do you rate your own progress so far..?

Oh my yes you do have a chance,

I was not a writer and I still am not a writer, but we learn as we go along.

Yes, you can do this!

No, you don't have to be a writer. Same as you don't need any coding skills or marketing skills. Nor do you need the writing skills.

All you need is you and an internet connection. Most blog as if they were chatting or explaining something to a friend.

Think like that and you will be awesome :)


Thanks so much. That is very motivating.. :) I feel better after getting that feedback from you.

You are so welcome and I know you will be fine.
Reach out anytime.
Debs :))

I will get back to that Debs :) Thank you. I hope the appropriate questions will roll in the next few days :)

Yes of course!

Be confident, invest some effort, follow the training and you'll succeed!

Thanks. I will try. I just joined.

Godspeed Floria!

Complete your profile and follow the training.

I just finished it. I guess, this is one progress :)

Definitely it is!

You've made the first step.


Proud as a newbie and a tech idiot :) I will watch the videos and learn as I go along..thanks for motivating! I like the support already :)

Godspeed Floria!

And we are always here to help!

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Do I have chance to earn here? I am not a good writer :(

Do I have chance to earn here? I am not a good writer :(

asked in
Getting Started

I speak english, german and tagalog. The latter is my mother tongue. I am not a good writer. I have good ideas but writing is not my strength. Do I have a chance?

Hi Floria,
I would say there are 100% chances to earn money. All you need to do is follow my 10 tips :
1. Take the lessons religiously,
2. Do not get overwhelmed with the tons of information,
3. Go for a live chat whenever in doubt,
4. Write on the topic you love,
5. Write to help others and not for income as income is bound to follow the serious action takers,
6. Enjoy the community but with proper time management,
7. Work only on one niche at a time till you get success,
8. Do rigorous homework on keywords,
9. Use your common sense and
10. Last but the least Ask, Ask and Ask a lot of questions.

You see I am not a good writer but wrote approximately 170 words for you ( just got the idea that a blog can be written on this topic..LOL). It's that Simple!

Just have faith in you and you will earn money in due time. All the Best.

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur.


My English is not perfect, I got many comment on my bad English grammar but I still write.

Hi.. Thank you. How do you rate your own progress so far..?

Oh my yes you do have a chance,

I was not a writer and I still am not a writer, but we learn as we go along.

Yes, you can do this!

No, you don't have to be a writer. Same as you don't need any coding skills or marketing skills. Nor do you need the writing skills.

All you need is you and an internet connection. Most blog as if they were chatting or explaining something to a friend.

Think like that and you will be awesome :)


Thanks so much. That is very motivating.. :) I feel better after getting that feedback from you.

You are so welcome and I know you will be fine.
Reach out anytime.
Debs :))

I will get back to that Debs :) Thank you. I hope the appropriate questions will roll in the next few days :)

Yes of course!

Be confident, invest some effort, follow the training and you'll succeed!

Thanks. I will try. I just joined.

Godspeed Floria!

Complete your profile and follow the training.

I just finished it. I guess, this is one progress :)

Definitely it is!

You've made the first step.


Proud as a newbie and a tech idiot :) I will watch the videos and learn as I go along..thanks for motivating! I like the support already :)

Godspeed Floria!

And we are always here to help!

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