Choosing is losing

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Choosing is losing

"Choosing is losing" reflects the idea that every choice we make inherently involves a trade-off, meaning that in choosing one thing, we inevitably lose the opportunity to choose something else. This quote emphasizes the inherent sacrifices and compromises involved in decision-making. It suggests that with every choice, there's a path not taken, an option not chosen, or an opportunity lost. It's a reminder of the inherent cost of decision-making, where committing to one course of action often means forgoing another.

The image encapsulates the concept of "Choosing is losing." It illustrates the moment of decision-making, where one path is chosen and the other is left unexplored, symbolizing the opportunities and possibilities that are lost when a choice is made.

Paths and Promises
The Tale of Two Trails

Once in a land not so far away, there was a small village nestled at the edge of a vast and mysterious forest. In this village lived a young and curious soul named Eli, known for his adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity. Eli often ventured into the forest, but he never dared to stray far from the familiar paths.

One morning, Eli stumbled upon a fork in the woods, where the path split into two trails he had never seen before. The left trail was bright and inviting, lined with vibrant flowers and sun-drenched clearings. The right trail, however, was shrouded in mist, with twisted trees and a path that seemed to disappear into the unknown.

Eli stood at the crossroads, torn between the two paths. His heart yearned for the safety and beauty of the left path, yet his adventurous spirit was intrigued by the mysterious allure of the right.

After much contemplation, Eli decided to take the left path. He walked through fields of wildflowers and basked in the warmth of the sun, feeling content with his choice. However, as he ventured further, his mind wandered to the path not taken. What mysteries did it hold? What adventures had he forsaken?

Years passed, and Eli often returned to the fork in the woods, each time choosing the familiar left path. Yet, the right path remained untouched, a constant reminder of what might have been.

In his later years, Eli shared his story with the village children. He spoke of the beauty and joy he found on the left path, but also of the lingering wonder about the right. "In every choice, there's a path taken and a path left behind," Eli would say. "And in choosing, we must embrace the journey we're on, while accepting the mysteries we leave unexplored."

And so, Eli's tale became a lesson for all in the village: that in the act of choosing, we gain a world but also lose one, and the beauty of life lies in the paths we tread and the ones we leave for another day.

Tell me, what did you gain?

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Just one more comment if I wife and I moved last spring and gave up a lot in so doing...our lives are much simpler now but we had an awesome life over the past 17 years...made a promise to myself that I'd never look back but embrace fully what we now have...


Hi there, Fleeky.

Personally, I've never heard this term before. Thanks for providing a clarification.

We all have had to make choices through our life time. Some choices are easier than others. Once I had to choose between taking Chemistry or Biology.

Choosing Biology was the best choice by far and I got an A. It also got me interested in genetics and genograms and I have never looked back.

While on a cross country bus trip, I met a lot of amazing people. During the ride there were some amazing conversations about choosing a life mate that was quite interesting.

Long story short -one of the lady's chose her mate for financial stability but her marriage lacked emotional intimacy; Another lady chose a partner who was more intimacy-focused but lacked financial security.

What they both agreed on at the end of the trip was that the best relationships are where you have both, intimacy and financial security, which is oftentimes very rare.

So choosing is definitely loosing. Better yet, making life choices is a beast at times. Let me explain: When I chose to let my sister keep my daughter (she was just 3 months old) one summer, it turned into a nightmare. She got so attached to my kid, It was crazy. However, I lived through it.

Our choices have consequences and they can help us or harm us. In retrospect, we all have made bad choices that we regret later in life. Choosing my sister as my babysitter was costly, especially to my mental health.

However, sometimes the loses are a good thing, right?
This topic really makes me think more deeply about choices.

Do we choose the path that gives us the most utility or do we choose to stay complacent with life, doing just enough to get by?


If you can...

Let go

So true -- weighing choices before we choose is not always easy. Once we choose our path, we choose destiny for a segment of our future. Is it the destiny we truly want? Or one we may regret?

Once we make a choice, I feel we must do our best to make that decision-point worthy of our journey. Though one choice may be better than another, we can try to make whatever we choose into a successful destination. Often the value of a choice can be decided by the way we approach it. It's really up to us to make whatever we decide to choose the best possible way for us to go.

So true...
Walk the path indeed

Choosing is losing, if you make a wrong decision that negatively impacts your life.

ßometimes you help others and develop a deep sense of regret because you discover their insincerity. It's like a punch in your gut. Trust me, I know.

In this instance, you've literally wasted your time and other things. But, you shouldn't worry. You did your part with good intentions.

So, when Eli chose his path, did he really lose? Was his decision wronĝ?

He chose correctly and followed his path with positive vibes, sharing love and peace throughout his community.

Thank you for sharing, Fleeky.

Maxine :)🙏

What I like in the story is that he followed the light, and the flowers and left the misty path for what it was...

Yes, when you follow light, YOU SHINE.



Good read, dear.
I loved the post.

Ty for telling me Anusya!

The choice is always ours

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