How Is Mindfulness Helpful?


How is mindfulness helpful? To answer that question, ask yourself how you react to stress. Sometimes it can be good to experience a little stress, because it can motivate you to deal with challenges or threats. However, too much stress can cause it to be much harder for you to stay resilient.

If we cannot find a resolution for stress, it can lead to serious health problems such as anxiety, depression, or addictive behaviors.

An answer is to practice mindfulness. Being mindful means paying close attention to what is happening in the moment. In other words, it is about living in the present.

Mindfulness is about observing. Instead of looking at your life from inside a stressful situation, look at it from a short distance away. This distancing allows you to observe what is happening without reacting emotionally.

To practice being mindful, start with giving your full attention to a single task, such as brushing your hair or eating a piece of fruit.

Focus on your body as you concentrate on your present task. Notice what you see, hear, smell, taste or feel. Don't label these sensations as good or bad; just observe and release.

Now narrow your focus. Are there any subtle sensations in your body, such as itching or tingling? Place your attention on your body, from head to toes, and observe what you feel.

Now pay attention to your breath. Where do you feel it most in your body? Place your attention there.

Acknowledge your thoughts and emotions, asking yourself, "How am I in this moment?" Spend a brief time with those thoughts and emotions, and allow any feelings to be present without judgment.

Your mind will wander. Just return to a focus on your breath. We all naturally possess mindfulness, but it is more readily available when practiced daily.

When you train your mind to mindfulness, you will wake up the inner workings of the mental, emotional, and physical structure of your brain. Waking up your brain will make it easier to savor the pleasures in life and to help you become fully engaged in activities. This practice will help you to work on changing any negative blocks you may have.

This mindfulness focus also creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. By focusing on the present, you may find yourself less likely to become caught up in worries or regrets, and less preoccupied with concerns about success or self-esteem.

Mindfulness will help clear your path of negative issues that may be holding you back from success. You will reduce your stress level and make it easier for you to find happiness.

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Recent Comments


I ve read the miracle of mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh
Great stuff.

Oh, that sounds like one I would like as well. Thanks for mentioning it.

He addresses the issues of staying in the moment. I tend to eat really fast and the book helped to be observant of the taste of food. I still eat fast but I’m more aware and count to 10 before taking the next bite. His teachings apply to all areas of life. Next challenge practice sitting in a Lotus position 😧

Good stuff, Fran. I've tried meditating but I either fall asleep or get antsy when I try to clear my mind. Just can't seem to quiet the cranium down!

It's those little voices that keep talking to me. Not the Slay Thy Neighbor type, but the You Should Be Doing This or That or The Cats Would Like A Scratch voices. lol

I personally think it's the cats up to their Jedi mind tricks.


Situational awareness I do understand and practice. Not quite as relaxing though. ;-)

The cats need to learn some mindfulness too.

That would mean staying awake, so they won't bother. :-)

If we pause for a moment to take into consideration how much our brains are doing, all the time, including all the autonomic stuff that goes on without our thoughts and behind the scenes, then it's no surprise that we should consider 'mindfulness'. It is a chance to give our hardworking hemispheres some time-off. Great post Fran.

Thanks, Twack. Yep, I know mine could use some time off.

hey fkelso.
You are so right about everything that you talked about. I have been doing meditation for about 20 years. I hope that you are into the same kind of products.
I am in the mind changing business.

thank you very much for sharing.

Great! I am sure you have realized many benefits from meditation. It is a great way to move yourself forward.

I really enjoyed your post. I'm going to give this a try. Makes total sense. Thank you.

Love it Fran. Great post and great information.

Thank you, Joe.

Great post Fran! Mindfulness is something I practice regularly. Do your best in the moment! I may share your post with my wife. She is one who always worries about the future. She is unbelievably talented and successful but the constant worry is a potential trainwreck and not good for her health. She tells me what she worries I ask her what she could do now to change the outcome? Most of the time you can't control the future if you're working for a large company, dealing with other people in business.



The moment is all we really have. We can't go back to the past and we don't know what the future will bring. It makes sense to life just in the here and now..

Thanks for this post. I need to research this topic more, because I know it is helpful in pain management. (My niche is natural pain relief.) I'll bookmark this for future reference.

It's a good topic. I'll be doing a longer post on mindfulness for my WA site.

There is Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Mindfulness for Pain

Excellent thoughts! Thank you!

You are welcome. I've been putting a bit more effort into mindfulness lately, and I think it is helpful.

I took an 8-week Mindfulness course and it has changed my life. It has helped me focus and to be connected with my body. I have learnt the most important thing and that is kindness to self.

How very good to know...I am sure it can help a great deal with focus. Thanks for your comment.

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