How I elevated my business from just a blog

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Hey everyone,

So I know I have been slacking a lot to actually blog on WA. I thought I'd share my story because wow without WA none of my dreams became possible. A few years ago I was sitting and wondering what exactly I wanted in life. I lost everything in my life. My ex-husband caused so much chaos and things had just drifted far from reality. I went through about three weeks of sitting alone with myself dreaming of what is possible but how I didn't have the finances to do it. So this is when it started for me, I kept getting these ads on Social media about affiliate marketing, dropshipping and how you can do this and that. However, the more research I did into these things the more I realised how you need capital to start. So I put myself on a mission to be able to learn everything I need to know about the online world of business. I wanted to find a way to be able to start a business with ZERO capital but would work in the long run.

I actually found WA by accident one day reading a Forbes article about affiliate marketing, So I thought I would try I tout. I did the courses and boom the penny dropped. SO I then started looking into the different social media if they had training websites, and what do you know. They actually did have them! Facebook blueprint, LinkedIn learning, Google digital garage and so much more. I spend my days working a shitty job, for a boss who didn't stop making sexual jokes about me. Earning less than minimum wage, my nights doing hundreds of online courses. In fact, the first blog I actually wrote on LinkedIn gave me 618 views and from that, I started to get clients in. It all made sense when I did a course on strategy and how it works.

I got quite over the boss I had and decided that I wanted to pursue a business in the online world of media. No university degree or college in this subject just skills and motivation. After three months of just doing digital marketing, SEO and advertising for 5 businesses I was able to triple my income from my previous job. I then got deeply into coding, page builders, dropshipping and of course learning as much as I can about machine learning. Yes, still no degree or college...

I know many people use WA for blogging but in all honesty, I didn't see that as a future for myself. I wanted something that could blow me up to the stars while I reach for my goals. This is how I started Arctic Caprica and the chain of businesses that are opening now (almost 4 years later) is actually spectacular. I've been able to open two companies in two different countries. I chase summer wherever I go which is pretty amazing. By the end of the year, I will finally have my own staff members and will be opening my doors to many more opportunities. Last year I rebranded EVERYTHING from my online store, its functionality to my business model and what I need to go forward. You see when I started at WA I didn't see it, and I have seen it so many times when people come here.

I have realised that you need a passion to get into these things, WA gives you the tools and plants the seeds. You have to keep learning and coming up with your dreams.

Wealthy affiliate saved me from going back to drugs, it saved me from being the victim of my situation. It allowed me to grow and inspire and I hope that it gives you the tools to reach your goals and dreams. Three years later and what I see now is far behind me. My clients are so happy with everything I do for them and it has opened my eyes to what I could have never imagined. It's actually quite funny, many people ask me in person how I started. when I tell them it's from affiliate marketing, they want me to sit and train them in everything. I don't have time for that lol, but I do send them the link. I might not have many affiliates under me, which I am okay with. Mainly because I use the platform for my own things in business.

I hope that whoever reads this actually sees its benefits. It's not just a blogging tool, it's an incredible learning tool where dreams come alive. Don't quit just keep going and push through. Learn more and grow more.

Never stop dreaming!

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Recent Comments


The opportunity is there friend. it's how we go about making it happen. Thanks for sharing your story here. It's interesting to see where you were and how you've made progress. All the best!

Very awesome, Annabella! What a great rise from where you were! Very well done!


What a wonderful story! This is what keeps me going when I'm down and struggling

Congratulations you have achieved so much in a short space of time. This is a very inspirational post. thanks for sharing :-) Lisa.

Congratulations have achieved what most give up on....
keep going towards the stars....

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