Why Being A Good Listener And A Fast Learner Is Important

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Hello Again My Dear Friends,

Are you a good listener? Or you consider yourself a good talker? Please reference my post published on Oct 5 about listening to your audience:

Listen To Your Customers. They Will Tell You How Successful You Will Be in Affiliate Marketing

The way you listen to your audience is to simply look into your Google Analytics or Google Search Console Dashboard and really LISTEN using your eyes!!! Analyze your audience's behavior, look at the pages they're browsing on your website, check the keywords that they clicked to get to your website, check where are they coming from, completely analyze their behavior.

Now, my post here is based on the premise that you need to listen with your eyes, while you analyze your website statistics. YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR AUDIENCE IS SAYING!!

Leaders don’t just recognize good speakers, they also notice great listeners. Good listeners keep their eyes open while listening. If you are a good listener, you can learn a lot from your surroundings. I have repeatedly found that many listeners fail to understand what is being communicated.

The trick is to be an attentive listener and use your active listening skills to be ready whenever such moments occur. Active listening is a valuable technique that requires the listener to thoroughly absorb, understand, respond, and retain what is being said or actually read.

Being a good listener will not only benefit you as a professional and leader, but it can also make you a better person. We will become more effective listeners as we practice at home, in our business dealings, and in other circles.

One of the most important skills any of us can learn is how to be a good listener. Effective listeners know it’s a learning process every day to master these approaches. This is how great leaders and effective listeners are able to move faster and more effectively than their poor and average counterparts.

Being a strong, attentive listener will help you be a strong leader as well.

If you work to develop your active listening skills (using your eyes), you will not only become known as a good listener, you will become a better leader as well.

Being an active listener means that you have the possibility to become a more effective listener over time, and your leadership skills will strengthen.

Are You Listening? Why Don't We Listen?

Let's Learn To Listen With An Open Mind

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I love this post. I never considered reviewing my stats as part of listening. But that makes complete sense. I see I still have much to learn.
Personally, I get impatient with people that don't listen well. We can all learn something from others if we keep our mouths shut and ears open. Be quick to hear and slow to speak.

"We can all learn something from others if we keep our mouths shut and ears open. Be quick to hear and slow to speak." Barbara, you hit a home run with this statement. If we could listen more and talk less, we would learn so much. That applies to our spouse, children, relatives, friends, co-workers, and pretty much everybody else. Thanks, Barbara

Active listening is a key component of coaching .. I once did a coaching session with my mic on mute and I did not realize , I kept asking questions but the answers I got were strange so I kept asking and hoping I was helping.

Near the end of the telephone coaching session I discovered my error or so I thought.

I asked a final question "is there anything else I can help you with today", I held my breath for some tough feedback.

Instead my client said, Phil that was the best session ever, you really listened. Lesson learned! A great share Eugene thanks, and a good reminder, Phil

Hahaha. Very interesting experience! I love it.

Loved that story, it's all about being able to listen without sometimes saying a word.

Absolutely Eugene. We had a really good salesman in our office and he listened very carefully to his customers and made copious notes if on the phone. Birthday, wife's name, number of children, dog's name, favourite sport etc.
Next time he phoned the customer he had his book open. How's your wife, Andrea, is it. Kids alright, you have two boys right. How's that little dog of yours, what was his name, Brutus, that's it.
He got a sale every time, they loved him.
Great advice there Eugene

It paid off just to listen for a chance. We need to get personal and the best way is for us to listen and learn. Thanks Dave

Agreed. Len was a master at it and made a lot of money at it. He drove the biggest car and had more foreign holidays than the rest of us.

Great Eugene. That’s why we have 2 ears and 1 mouth!

There you go Joe, 2 to 1. Thanks so much

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