See AIDA Model In Action, Understand But Take Notes Too.
Hello and Happy Hump Day! Believe It Or Not, this is the last day of June and time keeps moving, so are you up for the challenge?
I have a website where I do top products reviews, and the AIDA Model is used there perfectly to get people to choose what they need. So here's my AIDA Breakdown by Steps:
Attention: (Title of the Post)
Interest: (Image Showing The Actual Prostate)
More Interest: (Video Showing Why Men Should Care To Check It Out)
Desire: (Reason Why Men Should Check It Out Now)
More Desire: (Advantages of Using This Program)
Action: (After all the options have been provided, now the prospect must make the next move)
Apple is the master in using the AIDA Model at all of their stores, because people can come and play with their equipment before they buy. That's powerful
Nothing more powerful like using AIDA for your marketing!
Recent Comments
Well done, Eugene.
Educating the reader of causes and some fixes in the reading of the ad. Even if they don't choose to buy the product, and go for a complete improvement, they have increased their basic understanding of the problem and a possible fix.
This is a good guide for reviewing.
Thanks for the share,
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Thanks for sharing Eugene.
AIDA model though old, it's still the best amongst others.
Yes it's the best model to use for our marketing