Comparing Doers And Thinkers: Whom Should You Trust?

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Hello Family,

1) Action Not Words: The Difference Between Talkers And Doers

We are in a time of change, and especially now forward thinkers and doers are becoming more and more important. What is the difference between people who are purely thinkers and people who are doers? It’s this difference, more than the actual amount of time spent doing vs thinking, that characterizes so much of the difference between doers and thinkers.

Where is the line that separates people who are thinkers and people who are doers? There are two types of people in the world - thinkers and doers. Thinkers need to put more of their thoughts into action by not over-analyzing a situation, while doers should first think matters through to avoid making impulsive or careless decisions.

“I learn by doing” is a favorite phrase of the doers who would rather go out and feed the poor than sit down and read about why they should. So as is obvious, businesses need both thinkers and doers. There are many ways of categorizing people according to their personalities, but a simple and effective one is into doers vs thinkers.

It's not the dreamers that are remembered, it's the doers. Surround yourself with great doers and thinkers and copy their actions and successes.

2) What Separates Doers From Thinkers

1) Good doers give themselves enough time to think and plan.

2) Good doers don’t skimp on quality despite their eagerness to do more.

3) Good doers know how to measure their own productivity and revel in it.

4) Good doers find and use tools to help measure their productivity.

5) Good doers like to work with other good-doers, especially if they share the same goals.

6) Good doers love that “busy” feeling, but they don’t allow it to cloud their judgment.

7) Good doers don’t just dive into a project without thinking.

A non-doer is very often a critic-that is someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. We are mostly surrounded by doers, and only a minuscule number of us have the right vision and strategy to set the pillars of success.

3) Makers Vs Doers, The Difference Is Subtle But Critical For Your Startup

While doers aren’t perfect, there’s no denying they possess some great qualities that we could use more of. Doers tend to want to move on to the next challenge right after they finish their last one. But good-doers make sure to acknowledge their successes by making celebration part of the plan from the very beginning.

But the real doers of the world don't have time for criticizing others. Doers are people that jump into a task without thinking twice. It's not as if doers don't plan, but act as they plan. Talkers are usually more articulate than doers since talk is their specialty.

Closing with this quote by Bruce Lee:

"The doubters said, "Man cannot fly," The doers said, "Maybe, but we'll try," And finally soared in the morning glow, while non-believers watched from below. "

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    Recent Comments


    "A non-doer is very often a critic-that is someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing".
    Reminds me of back in the day giving a mate a hand to concrete his driveway one Saturday. 7 or 8 cubics placed and finished my him, me and his wife.
    Job finished, tools washed and put away, then each of us with a cold beer in our hands and visitors started arriving. All of them telling us how it was done !.

    That's the way it is Michael, thanks for your comment.

    Great post, Eugene!

    I have to admit, I’m more of a thinker than a doer, by nature.
    I’ve accomplished quite a bit by bending to my better judgement but my preference would always be to think, play some music, think some more - and continue this behavior in an infinite loop.
    That’s just me, so don’t follow my bad example. You have truly outlined the best formula for success! 😊


    Frank, knowing your real profession now, it is understandable that you are more of a thinker, but at the time when it matters you become a doer. Thanks for your service to humanity, I respect your profession a lot.

    You're very welcome, Eugene! My pleasure.
    So happy to be able to help.

    Stay Safe!

    I don't want to see myself 10 years later still dreaming... and complaining (though this not my cup of tea). 😉

    10 years later don't want to have regrets for not taking the action needed to accomplish my dreams~^

    Thank you Eugene!


    Rose the moment is now and Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go to fulfill our dreams.

    Yes, actions do speak louder than words, however everyone has a different rhythm and level of discernment when it comes to taking action, speaking and observing. What is the right timing and steps for one, may not be for the other. We cannot interpret one's lack of physical action that they are not making strategic moves and doing something awesome that will materialize in the future. Watching from the ground just means that someone is not yet flying but they will and sooner than you or I think.

    I agree Rhonda40
    People do have different rhythm and discernment. So we can't really criticize or pick on people who may think so much. Perhaps they were doers more than thinkers at one time and paid the price for it. So now their more in the thinker's mode because of the many mistakes made in the action mode. But actions do out weigh just thinking and thinking. How else does one learn from the their many mistakes if we don't just get out there and take action.

    Rhonda, I see your point and is well taken. I worked with people all my life, and they all had good ideas but they never shared it because for obvious reasons they wanted to get all the credit for themselves. An idea remains an idea until it's put into action. In this business, we need to do so we can see what works and what doesn't work.

    Thanks for putting the spotlight on those who want to take all the credit for themselves. I am a natural collaborator so, I forget about the folks who don't like to 'pass the ball' to score for the team.

    *** Better to fly and soar with the eagles over the horizon in the sunshine!

    keep well, cheerio ... :) ***

    Better to be flying with the eagles that getting stuck with the ducks. cheerio...Thanks Keisha😁

    ah - yes, those 'sitting ducks!' ... 🦆 🦆 🦆 ... better to keep swimming along then ... lol ...

    enjoy a fabulous Friday, cheerio ... :)

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