Commitment and Passion: What Does It Mean To You?
Hello My Dear Friends,
Whatever you do…make one deep, heart–felt promise and commitment to this creative biz dream of yours despite the full time job, the fears, the to-do list, and everything else getting in the way. Because, I promise you, when you have the inspiration, and the passion, and the commitment, your wildest business dreams can come true.
Just keep the action going as a commitment from yourself to your dreams. You owe it to yourself to make the commitment and consequently to do whatever it takes to pursue any dream that is a part of your heart and your soul. Many who don't succeed to attain their goals usually have a lack of commitment.
Having the passion to realize your dreams requires great commitment. A fierce commitment that withstands fears and challenges along the way. Clarity, commitment, inspiration, and know how will serve you well in reaching your dreams. I sometimes think the hardest part is making the commitment, and once you are determined anything is possible.
Wonders, wishes, and waiting without commitment are a lot of nothing happening. Choose a quote, write it down and place it where you can see it every day as the first step in your commitment to live a life that you’ve imagined. Realizing your dreams takes vision, action, commitment, and a plan with a path to the finish line.
Everyone has a dream and in truth it is having a dream that often brings passion and excitement into our lives. The potential of your dreams, your goals, and your passion – they’re all asking you to commit to their unfolding. Once we allow ourselves to listen to those whispers of true inspiration, our passion unravels with clarity and vision. Whatever that passion is (writing, photography, scrap booking, painting, etc.), it wants you to commit to its offerings.
It's easy to say "Don't follow your passion" when you can't seem to find it. There's a big difference between finding your passion and following it. The people who follow their passion obviously know what that passion is. Some of us know beyond the shadow of a doubt, what our passion is.
In order to stay motivated, to stay on the path of realizing your passions and dreams, you will need to be willing to sacrifice parts of your lives and ways of thinking. You have the patience, the strength the passion to achieve your goals and your dreams. Ultimately our dreams grow out of our passions, but they need to grow out of our brains, too.
When we’re passionate about something, we innovate, create, and continue on with our dreams. If you're going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. As you may know, living your own life and pursuing your passions regardless as to what well-meaning friends and family may say is the cornerstone of the philosophy of your life.
I believe you should follow your dreams and passion and do what you really want to do, and make your family understand why is it that you want to do it. If you're someone who is following your passions, you're likely taking several steps and planning in depth - no matter how long it takes - to achieve your dreams/goals/passions.
There is nothing wrong with someone taking steps toward actualizing their passion or ensuring their dreams have a greater chance of happening. Many people make the leap to realize their passions and find it was not the answer.
So the first step is making sure that your dream is something you are truly passionate about. And when it comes to anything remotely related to your passion, say yes to everything. Passion either flourishes or disappears when put in certain environments. The best way to achieve success is to combine your passion with your strengths. And if you have as much passion as the average person, you’ll collapse before you reach the first hurdle.
For others, all it takes is passion for starting their own successful, money-making business. But it does get easier if you’re clear about your purpose, and you embrace it with passion. If this is your passion, you’ll find a way sooner and later to make it all work for you.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, some style. There is no passion to be found playing small-in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Almost all the influential people in this world usually mention “follow your passion” in their speech and books. But if you want to truly live your greatest passions, you’ll have to clear out all the excuses
Are You Really Committed? Will You Be Willing To Sacrifice To Fulfill Your Dreams?
Don't fool yourself, be honest and decide if this is for you. Don't waste your time if you feel there's no passion in you to go thru this. Now is the time to think about it and see if this is something you are willing to commit your time and your life. The choice is always yours.
Have a good week my friends and really put some thought into this. Stay true and humble.
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Wow!! I thing that strikes me from this post is, I must be willing to sacrifice what I am, for who I am to be. That's awesome, I must sacrifice my present state so I can be who I wanna be. A wise man said, the greatest form of insanity is to continue doing what you are doing, and expect a different result. Thank you Eugene
My idea is that we are each put on this earth to fulfill a purpose and each of us given the proper gifts/skills needed to accomplish that given purpose.
Think about what you would love to do with your life if money was not a factor --, that is where you will find your passion. It could be anything from motivational speaker to horse trainer. Your passion and your purpose are often the same.
If you're doing what you love, it won't seem like work, you'll excel in whatever it is, people will seek your product/service out and you will prosper.
You are so right -- WA is not for everyone and what a horrible world it would be if it was. We all have different skills and ALL of them are needed to make the world go round.
Having said all that, we have dreams and goals we're working towards. Use your passion and unique gifts to achieve them.
Sorry for the novella, it's just my interpretation.
p.s. I still can NOT believe you live in "my" neighborhood. If you see me walking by, as I will start doing again soon, come out and say hello.
Thanks for your input Debbi as always I really appreciate. I can't believe it either that we are in the same neighborhood. I shop at Giant a lot and my favorite spot is the Chic Fil A.
Well, I'll be getting back to my neighborhood watch duties soon so if you see a short blonde walking around checking things out, that's me. lol
I like Chik Fil A too but this one is so crowded, I normally just go when I'm in Fredericksburg.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. What are the odds????
Well we are definitely neighbors and this is a good one. I love living here. I also like to hang around the Central Park shopping area and the Spotsylvania Mall in Fredericksburg.
I used to go to Fredericksburg twice a week. Sun for church (Lifepoint) and Mon to volunteer at the church. I did their database entry. However, since COVID, I don't get there as much. I attend church online and in person about once a month.
As far as living in this subdivision, it was convenient to commute when I was working and but now that I'm retired, I've outgrown my house. I'm trying to determine where my "forever" home should be.
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It takes a little courage, one at a time, and a little self control(eventually as you build on each self control, you get there,) and some grim determination, if I wanna reach my goal. Today is the time to start, not just to comment on this great post, If I wanna win, I must do what winners do, and not just read what they did. Great post
Thank you Shadrach