Don't Sit Back and Watch Opportunities Pass By. Write! Publish! Repeat!

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We have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips here. And if you don't take notice, you might miss a very important detail about every bit of this training: It's all about creating, writing, DOING!

As you learn more and more about this business, as you take in all your expert classes, video tutorials, and more, it's not just about watching and learning, it's about APPLYING what you're learning.

Not tomorrow, today.

Don't be one of those who learns something, then learns something else, then learns something else without publishing content. You're not going to catch any fish if you don't put any hooks into the water.

In this dynamic affiliate marketing industry we find ourselves in, the one thing you can count on for success is creating more and more content.

Don't sit back and wait.
Get it done.

And now with the power of AI fueling your efforts, there's no better time to write, publish, and repeat.


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Great advice Eric,

There is a time for theory and a time for practice. At Wealthy Affiliate it looks like we can combine theory and practice at the same time.
When learning self-defense, there comes a time when action and reaction are almost simultaneous. And, as you said, it can only be done WHEN you are applying what you are learning. The level of growth that Wealthy Affiliate has experienced is extraordinary. The owners, the coaches, and the community are always there willing to help.
I appreciate the help you have given me in the past. Your straight talk is what people need when they are beginning their journey at WA and that straight talk helped me a lot. I was absent for two years. I had to go to New York to take care of my Grandma who was suffering from Alzheimer's and was being abused by some of the home attendants. One of the home attendants told me about the situation and I had to go and do whatever I could to help her. I'm so happy that I did. It was a very difficult situation. I tried to bring her to my home here in Florida but she did not want to. Finally this month, she agreed to come to Florida.
She was very happy in Florida for about two weeks. She is now with the Lord.
I know that I can help thousands through the resources and the values provided by WA. That's why I kept paying for the membership during those two years. I value this community, and their willingness to help and to thrive. I love the coaches, their classes are great.

Right now I'm working on creating the first website. I want to promote Wealthy Affiliate. Once I finish creating the website, I have no problems writing. I love writing and I can do it every day. The issue is that I'm having difficulties creating the website. I know the advice IS to follow the process step by step...but I'm still having difficulties, not because of the system, not because of the process, but because I have to become better at building websites. I believe I have to follow the Bootcamp program. I'm just a little lost here.
I would like to have a website built by January. What resources do I have when I need help building the website?


Ivan Sanchez

Have you set up your Hub yet? It's a brand new feature and makes things much more streamlined. Just go to the Hubs tab up top and create your first hub. If you're wanting to promote WA, then when it asks you how you want to make money online choose "by promoting Wealthy Affiliate". You can connect your hub to your current website and then once the hub is created you'll have access to brand new training inside the hub to get you started off on the right path.

In the beginning, all you're wanting to do is create quality content. You can keep your website nice and basic. It's all laid out for you step by step :)

I had an empty website 2 years ago. Nothing on it.
I would prefer the "hub" instead of connecting the Hub to the website. Since I did not do anything on that website, can I just start a hub? What is a hub?

Your advice always makes sense.

Thanks so much for your help!

In Hubs I just saw that it has a lot of things like topics and best topics. Possibly you can just drag the content into your website, and that is why is called a hub.

Eric, I just saw what a hub is: a biz hub serves as the control center of your business.

It says that I'm pre-approved to start promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

I'm guessing that if I never put any content on the old website it was never activated and I can just start the hub with the same domain "homemoneypro"?

Thanks for the help

I made a mistake,

I have "home money pro", but that is not the one I used.

I used "Affiliatemoneypro" on the hub.

but now I do not know if it's a hub or the old website.

Ivan Sanchez

Just go to the Hubs tab and start creating your new hub. You're walked through the process step by step. One of the first steps is choosing whether you want to use an existing website or a new website. It's totally up to you. Once you create it, you can access the brand new training along with all the features and ideas your hub has for you. If you start a hub and for whatever reason want to start over you can also delete your hub and start again. You're in full control.

That's great Eric,


You're welcome!

Good morning Eric,

First of all, a very happy Christmas to you!

That is so true, I know of a few people who have a huge knowledge regarding Internet marketing and yet they have never really taken solid action.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform enables us to learn and earn as we go, we do need to put all the learning into solid action.

Have a fantastic Christmas.


Some people become obsessed with learning but not quite with doing. You need to strike that balance 😎👍🏼 Have a great holiday!

I agree, Eric, there is a fine balance if we are not careful!

Enjoy the Christmas break.


Great enthusiasm, Eric!

The more content the merrier right?

Myra 💜

Get the hooks in the water! :)

Sit back? Wish I could now and then! However, am committed to a schedule and the rest of life has to fit in around it. Have been doing this for a long time now, and it might not get easier, but it's part of my routine and I get used to it.

Actually, I think the new "hub" makes things a bit easier. I save research time, though still do some of my own to add to AI's material. I rewrite what I'm given. But it saves time with research and I don't use a ton of paper printing out all my posts I use as research material. Yes, it does make things a bit easier. Our Fearless Leaders are very innovative and help us out a great deal.

Merry Christmas to you, Eric. Hope your holiday is a good one.

Keep using all the tools you're given, Fran! Use them to improve your efficiency ten-fold!

Copy that, Eric. Two articles were published today. Number three, going into the chamber now.


That's pretty impressive. One a day alone is spectacular.

Thanks, Eric. The Hub takes away all excuses.


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