One Month and Still Forging Ahead
Today marks my one month anniversary since joining WA and I don’t regret one single day. What a great journey it’s been so far!
Not to sugar coat anything here, though - I have to be honest - it was a very bumpy ride in the beginning with many, many doubts about continuing. It was so overwhelming!
Fantastic Training and Support
Thankfully, though, the community here has been fantastic, keeping me going and helping me along the way. Also, I have a supportive husband who encourages me (if he didn’t I’m not so sure I’d be here to write this blog!). This support kept me forging ahead when I wanted to throw in the towel!
A few things were also big motivators, too over this past month - going premium, getting a great website name, choosing a nice theme, getting a website, setting it up and adding my first post, getting indexed in google and seeing my rank here lowering day by day.
In addition, the more I kept going back to the training, completing lesson after lesson and eventually making it through level 1, the more I could see the incredible opportunity and wealth (no pun intended) of knowledge here at WA and all it has to offer!
I wish I could move a little faster, though, as my pace is slower than some who have started at the same time as I did. But I also run my art instruction business, giving classes and workshops which demands a lot of my attention. Nevertheless, I am still plugging through the training slow but sure. At WA, thankfully there is no race and we each can go at our own pace!
A Business for You
I never looked at this as a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s just like any other business you would start for yourself. It has to be nurtured and given time and lots of dedicated, hard work. Just like my current business. I didn’t build it up in a month or two. It was cultivated one client at a time and has steadily grown year by year.
All this said, if you are a newbie reading this and are pondering the same thoughts I wondered about - “is it worth my time, money, effort?” - I have some thoughts to share that got me to this point, that may give you other ways to look at this.
One thing is ANY time you are learning something, it’s NEVER a waste of time. You’re gaining knowledge you didn’t previously have, that could benefit you in the future - you never know! Plus learning is ALWAYS good for your brain!
If you think this is a waste of money you could try to look at it this way. For premium, I intend to buy a year at a time, which breaks down to about $30/month. The black Friday deal, is about $25/month. Where else could you learn this amount of information that is presented here (as you go through the first level you will realize this is excellent info!)? Plus going forward, the site hosting for up to 50 sites!, SEO, unlimited keyword research, tech help, live training, member training posts, a whole community of support who is very willing to help at any time, credits for referrals, etc. - I truly believe this is and will be money well spent!
If you are feeling like you are eating, breathing, sleeping this business - well that’s what it is to be in business for yourself! The key word being yourself. You are doing this for you (and your family perhaps) not for some other boss. You are the boss... and the gratifying feeling and self-worth you get from being in business for yourself is wonderful! This is an investment in yourself (and family).
Helping Others is Awesome
And that investment also allows you to help the tons of people that come to the internet seeking help and info. Being able to be there and provide that help is rewarding (in more ways than one!).
In addition, it's great to be able to help members right here in this community . Although I am new and have so much else to learn, I still have been more than willing and somewhat able to answer a couple of questions in live chat to help those newer than myself. And that’s an awesome feeling!
Essentially, here at WA you get the feeling we are all in this together. And we are! It's a wonderful feeling just to be a part of this warm community! And I will be happy to give back whenever I can.
Stay the Course and Forge Ahead
In closing, I will say I am very happy to complete one month here and look very forward to my second month! And if you’re a newbie, I hope you will keep forging ahead as I will be - I believe it’s so worth it.
Recent Comments
It's great to know you are enjoying the program so much, Elaine.
Regarding going a little slower than some, I'm like that too. The main thing is to learn from each step and if you're behind, you'll know there's at least one other WA member who has similar experiences.
You are so right on. I really agree about the learning part. It is good to keep the brain active. What we learn in here can have great importance to us later, whether we make a lot of money or not. We are adding new territory to our landscape. As for me, I think that, at my age, being on here is perhaps the healthiest thing I could do as it allows me equal status with everyone else, no matter my age. It keeps my brain functioning well. I do love WA!
Having a supportive partner makes all the difference. Even after doing this for 5 years my family still don't get it and keep waiting for me to 'get a proper job' lol
But my fiance has always been supportive and even joined WA recently and her first website is well on it's way!
I think you have exactly the right mindset Elaine, every post you write, you're one step closer, you're learning, your website is growing and your writing is getting better.
What's that saying?
Something like: You achieve less in a day than you expect, but more in a year than you could have ever imagined.
Just think of all the amazing things you've accomplished in just ONE month already and think where you'll be in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now.
I sincerely wish you every possible success! :)
That does kinda look like NM, for sure
I was born and raised in NM .. (tho have only been back once in the last 40 years)
I wouldn’t know never having been there. I just liked the picture sunny day traveling down the road as a metaphor for moving forward.
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I am also enjoying the program and I am going much slower than you because I work shift and english is not my mother language. I cannot thinking and writing like everyone. But I'm not worry about that because just like you said "learning is ALWAYS good for your brain!"