Okay I am confused about what I should have done regarding keywords in the first level-session 7. I found several keywords but did not enter them in my site. Should I have d
The course is designed to get you through all the big concepts that you need to understand. Generally, you should be building your pages/posts around keywords but even if you don't, your content will often rank under different terms. Let me know if that clears things up for you.
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Okay I am confused about what I should have done regarding keywords in the first level-session 7. I
Okay I am confused about what I should have done regarding keywords in the first level-session 7. I found several keywords but did not enter them in my site. Should I have d
You try to use a single, relevant but different keyword for every page and post you create for your site. You put it in the title and first paragraph and write naturally around it. For example, one of your keywords for an orchid site might be "prune orchids", so for one post the title might be "How to prune orchids" and the first para might contain, "The best way to prune orchids is...". The All-In-One SEO fields etc. should be left blank on a Page and Post basis. That's it! Rich.
The course is designed to get you through all the big concepts that you need to understand. Generally, you should be building your pages/posts around keywords but even if you don't, your content will often rank under different terms. Let me know if that clears things up for you.
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You try to use a single, relevant but different keyword for every page and post you create for your site. You put it in the title and first paragraph and write naturally around it. For example, one of your keywords for an orchid site might be "prune orchids", so for one post the title might be "How to prune orchids" and the first para might contain, "The best way to prune orchids is...". The All-In-One SEO fields etc. should be left blank on a Page and Post basis. That's it! Rich.
Thanks Rich.