My Story, a Few Laughs, and YOUR Exciting Future.

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First off, welcome to Wealthy Affiliate! I am Eddy with a Y and I am going to be your personal chauffeur and coach here

within the community. If you ever need a hand with anything at all, I want to make sure that you know that I am completely available to you.

Simply drop me a message via my profile, or within any comment I leave you and I will be more than happy to help you out.

My Rollercoaster Ride of a Story...

Like many folks, I was trying this Internet thing out so I could earn some extra income. I certainly didn’t have the intention or did I think I was capable of going full time online, and certainly not achieve the 6 figures per year mark that I am at today.

One of the first things I tried was a “get paid to read email” site. This was very much like a “survey” program these days as they were low paying, and oftentimes required hours of work.

Advertisers would pay this site to be able to email their members. And in turn the site would share some of this money with members like myself. It only paid 1 cent. So I signed up because it was free. And next thing I know I was getting paid for reading emails. Obviously it wasn't a lot. At this rate it would take forever to reach the $10 payout requirement.

I then tried surveys. I made a few bucks, but nothing significant. I was more frustrated than anything, I was making less and working harder than I could have been flipping burgers. I didn’t want “flipping burger” income, so I moved on.

It was a lot of work with LITTLE return. I personally value my time and I think you do too. There are much better ways to invest your time in business than doing little “schemes” like this, or wasting hours on surveys in the hopes of making a few bucks.

The reality is, a WEBSITE is the foundation of every successful business online. By success, I mean those earning 6 and 7 figures online, which I am sure is most people’s ultimate goal...they just don’t know how to achieve this.

When I created my first website back in 1999 (yes, the Internet “dark ages”), it looked absolutely horrible.

I used an AOL website building tool called AOL press (which doesn’t exist any longer) to create my first website, You can see the archive of this website here ... please no laughing!! LOL

Although not the prettiest thing, this was the very moment in my online career where things truly "clicked". I started getting REAL people visit my site. I realized that if I could get a few visitors to my website per day, I could get 1,000’s per day. Visitors, like an offline business, are the path to BUILDING a much bigger business.

If you have a restaurant with no "visitors", you have a business that is not doing so well. If you have lots of people coming to your restaurant, then you make lots of money. Same with websites. The more people you have visiting them (traffic), the more money you make.

Move forward several years later and after “playing around” online...

I decided to take things more seriously and look for some proper advice, tools, services and help to run my business. This lead my to my search where I discovered Wealthy Affiliate.

I immediately knew it was different. It was run by two young entrepreneurs, Kyle & Carson and at the time (and to this day) was ahead of the game in terms of the education and the services they offered to aspiring entrepreneurs like myself and like YOU.

So I continued down this path, but like MANY people do I got distracted by more shiny objects and I lost focus. This took me into the MLM direction, I went on to try schemes like Procard, but nothing really materialized from those and I found myself shamelessly promoting to and alienating family members and friends.

That brought me back to WA a few years later and I since haven’t looked back.

And here I am, in the BEST state I have ever been in terms of my own personal business, and my expertise and confidence online. I am currently running a network of very successful websites, across several niches, that get me MILLIONS of unique visitors per year. These websites earn me a passive 6-figure income. It’s brilliant.

But I am not done. Far from it. Not only am I going to continue growing my businesses, I have decided that I want to dedicate a portion of my energy to helping others like yourself do the same. That is why I started my website, and why I am actively working with and coaching people like yourself here at Wealthy Affiliate (my #1 recommended program in the world for building an actual online business).

OK, so what’s the hype about. I will give you a quick low down here about WA before you get right into the training.

What is Wealthy Affiliate Going to Help You With.

Wealthy Affiliate is your “one stop shop” platform that offers you the tools, the training, the support, the websites, the hosting, the networking, and the personal coaching you NEED to create and grow a business to any level online.

Education. You can't learn how to do anything in life, without proper education. So that is the first and foremost focus. Wealthy Affiliate has spent the last 14 years refining and simplifying their training down to a science. They know the process of success, what it takes to get someone from a complete beginner to success, and give you insights into techniques that will work not just now...but for MANY years to come.

Websites. Building websites used to be tough when I started out. You saw my site! LOL That thing literally took me months to build and set-up. Fast forward to 2019, building websites has never been more efficient. What took me MONTHS, now takes me minutes to set-up...and dang, my sites these days are more beautiful than ever.

Have a peek at a recent website I built and I am here at Wealthy Affiliate, This is a site I started recently that is really starting to gain some good traction and is going to really profitable come this fall. Also, my fellow Wealthy Affiliate buddy Jay (magistudios), has a website called that literally sells, football snack helmets. This website has been racking in the income for the last 7 years for Jay, like clockwork.

That is what you are going to be able to do here at Wealthy Affiliate with their state-of-the-art website environment, which are hosted on incredibly powerful website hosting (IE, what makes your website ticks).

By lesson 4 alone within the core training we are going to have YOU up and running with your own profit ready, niche website just like this.

Research. If you understand how to research and find low competition opportunities, you are going to have a competitive advantage in business. That is what Wealthy Affiliate offers you with their Jaaxy Research Suite, which provides you with the tools you need to research keywords, niches, your competition, affiliate opportunities, and website analysis.

These tools are easy to use, easy to implement, and will become part of your bread and butter processes for researching and uncovering the millions of active opportunities online!

Expert Coaching. Why struggle through this alone? One of the biggest advantages Wealthy Affiliate has over other programs I have seen is the fact that you have DIRECDT access to the industry experts. You need help, you get it. Not only do you have personal coaching access to me, you have access to Kyle & Carson (the founders) and 10,000's of subject matter experts. A guiding hand can and will make the difference between success and failure. You have a community of helping hands here!

OK, now onto what I can do for you...

What Eddy with a "Y" is Going to Help You With.

So where do I come into this? Beside being someone you can lean on for support at any time, I am going to be personally coaching you to success. In the coming days, weeks and months ahead I am going to help keep you informed with the latest findings I have about my own business, show you things that are working for me, and also going to be letting you know about my tests and case studies that simply are not working.

I am always testing stuff. I am also finding new strategies that work for me. And as my business grows, I continue to gain insight into the best way YOU can grow your business.

So you get access to me and my 20 years of internet/affiliate marketing expertise. I know I can help speed up the process for you!

On another note, I blog regularly here and I also create training that you will have access to now that you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate. When I blog, you will be notified through email and within your account. So that is another one of the many "perks" you get being a member here at WA.

OK Now It's YOUR Turn...

So what do you do next? I am going to hand the reins over to you here. The VERY NEXT thing I want you to do is head over to the Training button within the menu (see below).

Within the Online Entrepreneur Certification tab (the core training), you are going to see the "Getting Started" course. You will either see a Continue Here button or a Get Started button on your first login, and as you move through this training and check of "tasks" it is going to track your progress. Pretty smart right?!

The first level, which is completely included in your Starter membership is going to really get you moving in the right direction. Here is a quick overview as to some accomplishments that you have to look forward to in just the week ahead.

Lesson 1: You Will be Set-Up and Walk-Through the Platform Here at WA

Lesson 2: You Will Understand the "Make Money" Process In Detail

Lesson 3: You Will Have the Direction for Your Business Chosen

Lesson 4: Your Profit Ready Website Will be Up and Running

Lesson 6: Your Website Will Be Ready For Google!

Lesson 8: You Will Be Skilled In Keyword Research

Lesson 10: The Foundation for Your Successful Business Will Be Set Out

So LOTS of exciting stuff to look forward to. And as I keep mentioned, you will have my personal help every step of the way as you move through the training.

So next step, hit up the training. Ask questions as you have them. A fun and successful journey lies ahead.

Chat soon,

Eddy with a "Y"

PS. If you have questions or comments (or just want to say what's up), feel free to leave them below. I'll be sure to get back to ya! :)

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4-Steps to Success Class
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Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training

Recent Comments


Hi Eddy
You are like a Rock Star! You will be hearing from me :-)

Definitely not a rock star. But I've done okay. lol

Hey Eddy,

Of everything I've read here at WA, yours is the stuff thats going to make me go all in. Ive read a few of your blogs now and dove deep on the cheat sheet (I appreciate that).

Onto last thoughts on the niche im going to get in on. But a brand name for that niche is my final step (website name is a near critical thing yes?).

With exactly 25 hours left to take advantage of the initial $19 buy-in - any advise on how youve gone about naming your site(s)?

Thanks again and keep up the blog - im going to be reading and stopping by often.

Hey Chad,

It's great to hear that you've been reading my content and enjoying it.

Honestly I'm pretty straight forward with my domain names. I try to pick things that will be easy to remember, broad enough to allow me to grow in the niche, but specific enough that you'll know immediately what my site is about without even having to visit the page. So that's my formula. I'm not really a branding expert.

My domain names tend to be very functional and have worked for me.

What's the catch? Website hosting isn't free. When do I have to start paying money?

Have you gone through the training:

Thank you Eddy with a Y for this vital blog. It is educative as it is inspiring. Keep it up.

You're welcome Edgar!

Hey Eddy - getting good vibes being here so far! You, Kyle and Carson all hit me up with enthusiastic welcomes. Thanks for the love! - Bella

You're welcome Isabella

Hi Eddy,

I am at age 61 and I just happened to find your invitation while looking for some legit ways (lots of scams on the net) to earn some money on the internet.



Sounds good! Hopefully you enjoy WA.

Hello, beautiful evening here in Wisconsin. I am checking out this, and, am very curious. Enjoy yourself!

Hey there! Good name you have there and I like your approach with a "y". My name is Eddie too and it's with "ie". LoL... anyway, just thought of dropping you a thank you note.

Thanks for being real and sharing your success.

Stay motivated by your passion.

Thanks Fellow Ed. I appreciate the kind words and thoughts.

It's funny, but also a bit cringey to look at our past work, but it's the path that most people take. You gotta power through the cringe to achieve something bigger.

Congrats on getting some momentum with your other sites man. I'll be that's a great feeling having your income a bit more diversified.

Thanks Nathaniel. It was painful looking at my old site. But it shows how far I've come. I don't miss those days. lol

Thanks Eddy. Do you still keep your full time job? I am following you closely. thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Yes I do. My job is pretty flexible and allows me to work from home part of the time. And I'm getting paid for the skill I use on my own sites. And finally, i like multiple streams of income.

Really encouraging Eddy. hoping to share my story of growth after my 6 months. thanks again

I'm sure you will be Faith. Have faith. Pun intended. lol

Hey eddy drea0823

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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
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Millionaire Mentorship
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