Remember What You are Building

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There are many ways to approach affiliate marketing. Some people go the route of building an email list, others focus on social media, and some prefer to buy ads and send traffic to affiliate offers.

However, no matter the method that is chosen, I always recommend creating a niche website to go along with it.

I think that sometimes niche websites are not the popular option when going into affiliate marketing.

It's likely due to the amount of content that needs to be created on an ongoing basis. It may also be that it is not a "fast" way to earn affiliate commissions.

What I think is overlooked is that it is a long-term online business model. It is also a business that is yours as social media accounts can be shut down.

I'm glad that I started out in my affiliate marketing journey by creating a niche website.

Like many beginners, I assumed that things would happen fast. I used to think that writing a few blog posts meant the affiliate sales would start coming in right away.

Thankfully, being a part of WA taught me that an online business requires hard work.

I had to learn to be consistent and that consistency pays off.

These lessons have crossed over into other strategies that I've tried such as creating a YouTube channel.

Subscribers and views do not happen overnight. It still requires content creation on a regular basis just as you do with writing blog posts.

I think that is great to have options in terms of how you can earn income online.

I'll always recommend creating a niche website. A niche website can:

  • Earn income from affiliate product sales
  • Make money from display ads
  • Help you build your brand
  • Help build your email list
  • Send traffic to your YouTube channel and social media accounts
  • Last for years
  • Be sold in the future

Best of all, a niche website is yours.

Keep creating content, stay consistent, be patient, and good things will happen!

Thanks for reading! :)

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Recent Comments


Excellent advice! I couldn't agree more!

I see far too many people start off with a site about Wealthy Affiliate, trying to teach others about something they haven't mastered themselves. More often than not they fail, because they have no idea how to actually be successful at affiliate marketing.

You have the opportunity to do that with a niche site. You can focus the content on the right topic, most likely something you deeply know, and keep honing the content until it speaks specifically to your audience, who then responds by purchasing your suggestion.

Niche is definitely the way to go, especially for a first site.

Very good points, Jeannine! I’ll always recommend creating a niche website. There is so much you can learn from maintaining one.

Awesome Eartha!

Thanks for your fantastic post.

Great insights. Grand reminders!


Thanks for reading, Norleila! I appreciate your comment!

Greetings Eartha!
How on Earth did we manage to connect RIGHT NOW??
Your message was just for ME at a time when I am struggling with questions and issues so much bigger than me!!

The first thing that connected me was your infectiious smile. But your blog went straight to my heart (hit HOME).

Vicariously it is my family that is impatient. They want to help me financially, and have reuested that my site either PAY, or I drop out. I should not be paying to support a site that isn't earning.
They are "right" in theory, but have no clue what this means to me. They are beginning to learn. It is my desire to show them what it means to me. Ever since June they have shaped events that have managed my life down their selected paths. Now Covid has kept me down. And the paperwork of financial agreements keeping me busy.
I appreciate the points you have made in your great blog.
And to my right are a group of other blogs that are beckoning my eyes and when I look, they motion to me that I MUST ALSO READ THEIR MESSAGES, TOO.

Thank you, Eartha!


Hi Shirley!

I can relate to your experience. I've had family members not really understand (and still don't quite understand) what it is that I do online. However, they are proud of my accomplishments. What's more important is how you feel and what you want to achieve.

Keep on creating content! Thanks for your comment. :)

Thank you so much for writing and sharing this! I am the newbie and I have finally finished creating my website in the way I want it. You've inspired me to create some wonderful content for the purpose of helping people. The money making part will come in time. I thank you for the advice in your article ❤

That is excellent! Yes, write to help people. That is the way. Helping people with your content builds trust. That in turn will lead to sales. Wishing you all the best!

Thanks Eartha! After reading your post, I know I'm going in the right direction. I wish you all the best :)

Great post Eartha.
I’m happy that I have a niche website that I am passionate about, and one that I have experience with.
I feel that I will never run out of ideas to write about.

Thanks, Jenny! Passion is what makes it even more fun to build and grow your niche website. It should be an enjoyable process.

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