Back in Alicante!

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Here we are back in Alicante for the next month. Certainly beats the hell out of the British weather. 😎

The skills I've learned over the last six years here have helped no end. I now know how to generate passive income and use it to my advantage.

We have little accommodation costs whilst we're here, and just our food and drink to cover.

The only thing preventing us staying longer here are the Schengen regulations which only allow 90 days in Spain out of every 180 (for non-EU citizens). If we stay for 3 months we then have to spend 3 months out of Spain before we can return. 😢

I won't touch too much on the reasons, other than to say Brexit cost us our own freedom of movement in Europe. We're now no different to people coming from USA or Canada for example.

This time we're going up to Valencia on the train, and down to El Altet in a few days time.

Dave & Debs

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Thanks for sharing. I don't really get to travel much. In fact, I haven't been further than 50 miles from home in the last 4 years.

It is something I want to do more of, but currently the pocketbook doesn't allow for it.

I have promised my granddaughter that I will take her to Disney World so we are saving for that!

Thanks again for sharing!


I find it whets the appetite even more for the digital nomad lifestyle

So cool! That's the dream! Thanks for sharing, Dave!! I am very happy you get to do these things!


Disney World will be fantastic! Magical for both children and adults alike. It's about 17 years since i've been there.


Sounds fantastic Dave, and I totally agree that Bloody Brexit screwed things up for a lot of us!!

I'm heading down to the Costa Brava myself a week on Saturday for three weeks to have the first poolside barbie getaway of the summer!!

Take care buddy and enjoy yourself! :-)

Thanks my friend. I’m sure the Costa Brava will be just as good. We’re down here until June 15th. It’ll be getting really hot here by the time we return to England.


You're most welcome Dave and I'm sure it will be as usual!

We stay at the same place every year but there was a problem getting the train this time so I have to drive down!

I think we come back around the 15th as well, problem then is.... we will be into summer here which is normally unbearably hot!!

I'm even thinking about spending the summer back home in the UK!!!

Take care buddy! :-)

Back to the UK for my birthday in June, then a 2 week stay local to Durham, followed by 9 weeks in the Yorkshire Dales (Malham). We'll be back in Alicante either side of Christmas.


Sounds great Dave, enjoy yourself my friend! :-)

Have a wonderful time and all the best.

Thank you Brian. It’s appreciated.


Very welcome.

Looks like a good time....enjoy!

Oh it’ll be good. Great to see our adopted family again. I can now hear in English, Spanish, Ukranian and Russian. I only understand the former two. 😎


LOL...enjoy it...always good to catch up with friends and family

Great to see you are enjoying life in the sun. I also agree with your take on Brexit.

Yes, what’s done is done. Too late to cry over spilt milk. We’ll make the best of it 😎


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