I have bought a few domain names that I am not going to use. Before the renewal comes up I would like to delete them. Does anyone know how to get rid of a domain name?
You should be able to get an answer from this as there are quite a few replies to this members question which is the same as yours - Domain names expired how do i get it off the server? Enjoy your Friday.
Thanks Robert, Your information guided me and realized that turning off auto renew would take care of it.
Go to siteDomain and switch off auto-renewal. Once you've bought a domain you can't delete it but it will not renew in a year so you will lose it.
If you have a built site, go to siteManager > Details. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see the 'Delete site' button.
Hope this helps :)
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I have bought a few domain names that I am not going to use. Before the renewal comes up I would like to delete them. Does anyone know how to get rid of a domain name?
You should be able to get an answer from this as there are quite a few replies to this members question which is the same as yours - Domain names expired how do i get it off the server? Enjoy your Friday.
Thanks Robert, Your information guided me and realized that turning off auto renew would take care of it.
Go to siteDomain and switch off auto-renewal. Once you've bought a domain you can't delete it but it will not renew in a year so you will lose it.
If you have a built site, go to siteManager > Details. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see the 'Delete site' button.
Hope this helps :)
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I am looking to create borders around a paragraph of text on my pages, or a text box.
Can someone (in plain English, layman's terms) tell me if there is a plugin for thi
Give blockquote a try in the Text tab of the editor window, see how your theme treats it, many will put a border and background around text contained within it.
Your Text
In that case, install WPEdit https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-edit/ and use a single cell table to achieve the desired effect! :)
Thanks again. I already have WP_Edit and I just went through all the settings and have nothing called single cell table.
I am so burnt out from searching this for hours.
I do appreciate your taking the time to answer, but I guess its not going to happen. I need to take a break.
Another option would be to use a page builder plugin like Elementor https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/
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I want to add borders areound text on my pages?
I am looking to create borders around a paragraph of text on my pages, or a text box.
Can someone (in plain English, layman's terms) tell me if there is a plugin for thi
Give blockquote a try in the Text tab of the editor window, see how your theme treats it, many will put a border and background around text contained within it.
Your Text
In that case, install WPEdit https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-edit/ and use a single cell table to achieve the desired effect! :)
Thanks again. I already have WP_Edit and I just went through all the settings and have nothing called single cell table.
I am so burnt out from searching this for hours.
I do appreciate your taking the time to answer, but I guess its not going to happen. I need to take a break.
Another option would be to use a page builder plugin like Elementor https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/
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I am setting up my AWeber autoresponder to send a ebook to my new subscribers. Since the size of it is too big to attach in the thank you autoresponder email, I want to just po
Another alternative is to upload your file in Dropbox and share the link with your subscriber. Hope its helpful.
There are instructions at this site Doug along with related links! http://ccm.net/faq/569-publish-a-pdf-file-on-your-website
you mean the directory where all media is stored? Is that not a security risk making this folder available to the public?
If that folder wasn't available to the public, then no one would be able to see the images on your website.
Create a page which is not accessible to normal visitors and put the link up with the pdf on that page? How, I could think of a password protected area, or a zip file with the pdf and you need a password to unzip it and that password you mail then as well?
This isn't valuable content he is sending them. It's just a lure to get people to sign up for an email list. But I agree that if he was selling an ebook, it should be secured so people can't just share the link.
When selling ebooks and other digital goods, Gumroad is a good choice. I've purchased some ebooks and a video training series on this service.
I get the impression it is way easier and cheaper than Woo Commerce.
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Adding a downloadable pdf file to my site?
I am setting up my AWeber autoresponder to send a ebook to my new subscribers. Since the size of it is too big to attach in the thank you autoresponder email, I want to just po
Another alternative is to upload your file in Dropbox and share the link with your subscriber. Hope its helpful.
There are instructions at this site Doug along with related links! http://ccm.net/faq/569-publish-a-pdf-file-on-your-website
you mean the directory where all media is stored? Is that not a security risk making this folder available to the public?
If that folder wasn't available to the public, then no one would be able to see the images on your website.
Create a page which is not accessible to normal visitors and put the link up with the pdf on that page? How, I could think of a password protected area, or a zip file with the pdf and you need a password to unzip it and that password you mail then as well?
This isn't valuable content he is sending them. It's just a lure to get people to sign up for an email list. But I agree that if he was selling an ebook, it should be secured so people can't just share the link.
When selling ebooks and other digital goods, Gumroad is a good choice. I've purchased some ebooks and a video training series on this service.
I get the impression it is way easier and cheaper than Woo Commerce.
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A few weeks ago I read an article /post from Kyle on the outlook of affiliate marketing for 2017.
Does anyone have the link to it. I have been searching, but cannot find
Hi, I think this is the post you are looking for: Affiliate Marketing in 2017, More Exponential Growth If it's not, tell me and I'll give you another one! :)
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The future of affiliate marketing?
A few weeks ago I read an article /post from Kyle on the outlook of affiliate marketing for 2017.
Does anyone have the link to it. I have been searching, but cannot find
Hi, I think this is the post you are looking for: Affiliate Marketing in 2017, More Exponential Growth If it's not, tell me and I'll give you another one! :)
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Mike Akers explains! How Do I Delete My Website