Why are We here?
Why are We here? It Can be difficult to answer, because there's more than just one answer, huh?
The training is so, so Great; the quality, quantity, the way and methods it's provided, classrooms, webinars
NO, it's the support: live chat, the community like NO other in discussion, it's the sharing of information, PM having one on one private talk
No, it's the Value of the whole package; the websites with all the themes, Word Press, Keyword Search ability, plugins, all the tools
It's all of these things, all the stuff.....BUT, that's what is and was here....
Why are We here?
Make The Money! I am not going to listen to anything other than it's to make some money, yeah, yeah....everything we want in life, the things, places, family, etc....it's the Money that is going to make it all happen....
Soooo, why is it so difficult for us to focus, manage our time, get it straight about distractions with all the stufff there is to do or occupy our time each day....
What will make us the Money? The Lessons and the Website. That's it...That's the answer. Plane and simple. Priority, lists, time - whatever....
Do the Lesson and Build the Website and then you can go out and play....Hey, when you came home from school, what did mom say, ok, do your chores, get that home work done, practice/do your lessons on that instrument AND THEN you can go out to play until dinner is ready or the street lights come on, RIGHT so BIG KIDS....
let's focus on Why Are We Here? To get the money and the straight line to the money is DO the Lessons and Build the Website.
Say it all together now.....Do the Lessons and Build the Website!
Thanks for helping me clear this up. By that I mean, please share your thoughts, input, comments with me, today.
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Everybody needs money to pay for their overhead, but money will always be a tool to me If I need something I use it to get what I need. Love, happiness, and friends give me enough energy to enjoy what I do.
You know you are right. I really agree with you ,Mike. Just say in...do the lessons, build the website...then play.
That is they way I do it, just remember sometimes you need several websites and Ideas. Then you can play even more.
Today I started another site, news-products4seniors-retired....I am looking for similar sites to network/link with...compare/comment/review...make sure we aren't promoting same products...try be smart..
Yes I feel and act exactly the same as you and also suffered the same problems especially with Depression and The Darkness brought on by terrible family trauma.
Cheers and thanks for sharing, Tosh ;)
Being real busy helps with all that doesn't it? If you are busy thinking and doing what you are doing...it's like pain, mom always said. 50% of pain is in your head, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! Hey, this is profound, years later I told that and the reply was no Don, 90% of pain is in your head, crap, I don't take any pain meds now...it's just in my head, it's just in my head, just lay on the ice for a while, believe it doesn't hurt or that it's getting a little better and it is....just sayin
Yes it does and never give in to pain or the darkness as it wants nothing more than to drag you down and try to make you suffer!
You are made of stronger stuff than that ;)
Very profound but instead of money...I'm after helping those plagued by addiction, anxieties and depression find a way out of the darkness.
However, it is true that I need money to make this happen. The difference I guess is that money is my tool and not my goal.
Great Blog.
And I thought it was honey, this bear is a coffee drinker...let ALL OF US go over and get the bear a cup so he can help others!
Chris, if the listing doesn't play for everone...how about we all, those who want to network, just add it at our profile, like the blogs, questions, website, just have another topic - network??
I see your site is coming along nicely, theme of retired...like it..are you going to provide info like social security insight for getting benefits posts and products that we need...aids. Walking. Hearing, band,sleep etc all the stuff seniors need??
Not everyone is here for the same reason Don. I'm here to building a following and create training. Yes, the training will make me a little money, but for me, it's about being able to pay it forward for all the people who helped me in my career.
I understand, it's not only the money for any of us, that's why we get distracted. I am guilty. I am not focusing proper division of my tasks and prioity to the lessons and site content along with a lot of others that have focus issues..If it wasn't for people here like you helping people like me...I would be in perpetual stuckdom, frustrated. Overwhelmed. And gone cause it's too hard and impossible with out your help, support and gudence from this family here, thanks,
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Great Blog! Thanks for sharing!