What's Behind Me I'm Not Worried About

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2019 Profile Update - It's been a couple of years since I set up my profile here on WA and I thought it time to update you guys.

I spent my first two years here basically doing nothing. Not because I was lazy or because I didn't believe in the system. (okay, maybe I'm a tiny bit lazy) If that were the case I would have just cancelled my subscription and never come back. No, it was more to do with both what I call "the blank page" syndrome and a lack of knowledge about myself.

The blank page syndrome is pretty much just what it sounds like. I saw WA as a blank page in a new chapter of my life and I was afraid to make a mark on the page because when I made that first mark I wanted it to be perfect. I didn't want to have to erase it or modify it in any way. Silly, I know.

As for not knowing myself...

The bigger problem was that I had no idea what it was that I was passionate about. What I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to teach people about. Okay, I did have SOME idea but didn't see how it would fit in with affiliate marketing. So I pushed that aside and looked elsewhere.

And since I was just starting out, I basically didn't know what I didn't know. I wasn't even sure what questions to ask.

Given all that plus the fact that I felt completely overwhelmed by the amount of information that I would need to assimilate to be successful, I did what I felt safe doing. NOTHING! Zero! Nada!

That was in Dec 2016. - Fast forward now to Dec 2018.

I have no idea what prompted me to revisit WA again but there I was. (Couldn't look away from the wreck that was my WA association? lol). Only this time I was determined to push through, no matter how overwhelmed I felt, no matter how much or how little success I felt. I was going to do this.

And here I am now, doing it. I'm through the first two modules of training, working on the third and I've scribbled all over the blank page. It's ugly but I'm learning how to make the corrections to make it beautiful again.

More importantly, I may finally know where my passion lies. Unfortunately, it's not with the niche I chose when I made my return a couple of months ago but that's fine. I've already put too much work into that niche to abandon it so against all advice I've read on here, I'm going to do my best to continue to build out that niche while I start on the new one. The one I'm really more passionate about.

Hopefully that passion will be enough (with the training and help of all the amazing people here) to allow me to juggle both, at least for a few months while I get my new niche/site up to speed, indexed and well ranked. Maybe I'll figure out how to monetize it once it's all running smoothly. Maybe not. For now I just have some things that need to be said.

So that is my path for 2019. It's a journey and I will keep moving forward. Sometimes in high gear, sometimes stop and go traffic. Either way, I've ripped off the rear view mirror and thrown it out the window. I can't be worried about what's behind me any longer.

If you have just joined WA and are reading this, don't be afraid to make that first mark on the page. Make mistakes... make lots of them. But learn from them. It's not wasted if you learn.

If you're an old timer here. Thanks for being here, being helpful, and doing what you believe in. You've been an inspiration to me whether you know it or not.

Much success to us all.


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You've got so much going for you David. Think how newbies with limited computer skills feel. Let your computer knowledge be your strength, but don't think you have to be perfect.

Trust the training and just continue to move forward. When (not if) you get stuck, ask questions. This community is so-o-o willing to help. Use the search bar above to find how other members have solved the problem you are confronted with.

I wish you the best on your WA journey.

I completely understand David!
Glad to hear you’ve moved off dead center even if it means a bit of “ugly” now and then!
We’re all in this together and there’s not one of us who’ve achieved perfection (well maybe Kyle or Jay!)
Keep up the great work.

Glad you made that first mark. I do understand where you were coming from though. If you never move of course you'll make no mistakes. Not a way to live! Just learn lessons from your mistakes so that they're not a waste.

Here's to our success with all the erase marks.


Hey David,
Thanks for sharing. Glad you are having fun!!!

Tried and True


Thanks for sharing. I think that is a way in life is learning from mistakes and moving forward. Keep looking through the front window. You don’t need that rear view mirror. You’ll get to your destination. :)


Thanks Renee. I'll definitely keep looking forward. Hopefully I don't get distracted by what's going on outside the side windows also. lol

Good for you! You are on your way. When you get stuck, ask the community -- don't be afraid to do so. Follow the training one step at a time. You can do this! Just keep going forward.

Thank you! Not only am I following the training one step at a time. In some cases I'm re-tracing my steps and going over it a second or third time. (I can be a bit thick and some things just take a little longer to be absorbed fully. lol)

I know the feeling. Just hang in there until you get it.

A very well written post, David, here you are back again, you've made the decision to start all over, that a good thing.
When you focus on the positive, positive things results in your life.
Consequently when you focus on the negative, yes negative results show up. It is vitally important to know what you want and be very clear about it and we all learn by doing mistakes.
Stick on your vision.

Thanks Jacqueline. I plan to stick to it for sure and just to make sure I follow through I've announced to you all that it's my plan. No turning back now. lol Onward and upward!

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