Don't Follow WA Members on Pinterest!

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So, I bet you are wondering if this is a clickbait title?

After all, we do have a dedicated thread on the WA platform to encourage you to follow other members on Pinterest.

That must mean it's a good thing, right?

Not necessarily!

Let me explain why.

Pinterest SEO

First of all, Pinterest relies on SEO, it has its own algorithms, just like Google.

So, when people are looking for something, and type it in the Pinterest search bar, Pinterest tries to find the best match.

The results that it brings up, are not the newest pins, but the most appropriate, relevant and popular pins.

Yes, popularity matters!

So, if a pin has received lots of likes, comments, saves, then it is going to rank higher in the search results.

New Pins

But what about new pins?

How does Pinterest decide if they will eventually become popular, and it would be worth promoting them?

Here's the kicker - it shows them to your followers first, and takes note of their reactions!

If your followers don't click on them, or save them, Pinterest decides there is little point in showing them to other people.

Can you see where I am going with this??

So, let's say, you add your Pinterest account to the WA thread, and get lots of lovely new followers.

Happy days!

BUT, are those new followers actually interested in your niche and your pins?

Will they ever interact with them?

I have to say, I doubt it very much!

Let's say your niche is affiliate marketing, but the WA members who are following you on Pinterest have no interest in pins on that subject.

For example, if your follower has a dogs niche, they are not going to pin anything about affiliate marketing to their boards, are they?

So, if your followers show no reaction to your pins on affiliate marketing, because they actually have no interest in them, Pinterest sees that as a sign that the pins are not very good!

Conclusion and Another Potential Shock!

So, I guess what I am trying to say, is that by following another member's Pinterest account, but you actually have no interest in their niche subject, it could be detrimental to them.

My suggestion would be to only follow people who are in the same niche, and you have appropriate boards that you could pin their pins to.

And here's another potential shock for you, as if this post wasn't bad enough!

You don't need followers on Pinterest, it makes no difference to your success!

Here's the proof.

These are screen shots of my 2 Pinterest accounts.

Can you see how few followers I have in relation to the number of views my pins get?

I hope you found this interesting, thanks for reading.

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Recent Comments


Hi Diane, Thank you for this information and your Great advice.

I also follow Anastasia Blogger; she is a powerhouse on the platform.

My account is new and just started creating pins and boards, so this is very helpful.

Look forward to more Pinterest posts from you.

Thanks again Ron

Hello Diane

Thank you for this great blog post. I was not aware that WA has a Pinterest thread. I will keep this information in mind and I will only follow people in my niche if I ever use the WA Pinterest thread. Thank you again for this great blog post Diane. All the best to your success.



Hi Diane,

This is so true.

Back when I was self publishing, there was a guy who had a service where he would guarantee x amount of downloads of your free book promotion on Kindle. They weren't real accounts as he claimed, but a bot network he was somehow able to make. Tens of thousands of them.

While it would propel folks to best selling due to the thousands of downloads, there was a huge problem for those using it.

One of the largest benefits of a natural promotion is that area of the listing called alsoboughts.

Typically that area is gold as it will have pages and pages when you run one of the promotions, usually all books in the same niche.

His system was flooding all the alsoboughts with books that had nothing in common as his bot accounts were grabbing every book they were paid to grab.

So you were wasting that new form of advertising on others pages by being featured on areas no one would likely be interested in your niche.

So many authors continued using him after it came out he was botting, not understanding how badly they were wrecking their future potential sales because they were confusing Amazon algorithms on who would be interested.



Hi Diane,
Thanks for sharing this insightful post! You've highlighted some important factors to consider when it comes to Pinterest and follower interactions.

It's crucial to focus on connecting with members who share your niche and interests, as their engagement can greatly impact the success of your pins.

By nurturing a community of like-minded individuals, you increase the chances of meaningful interactions and better visibility on Pinterest.

Your screenshots serve as a great reminder that follower count alone doesn't guarantee success. It's all about fostering genuine engagement and providing valuable content.

Keep up the great work and thanks again for sharing these helpful tips!
Thanks again, Great Success!

Hello Diane. thank you for the tips. So Diane, you are saying Pinterest is not like You Tube. In our class with , Eric , You Tube success is about followers, and view hours. Now I understand. Pinterest is about , pins and sharing. I am learning a lot from you Diane, thank for sharing your well of experience with us. LadyD2.

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