What a Week!

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Yea! It's Friday! Maybe Make That FriYay!

No, I don't follow the Monday through Friday routine. Many of us here at WA don't. But I do take Saturdays as a family day. Of course, every day is family day. But Saturdays here are special.

In addition to my WA sites, our family also has an organic produce farm. Being a small operation, our farm store is only open on Sundays. That allows people to pick up the week's necessities. During the week, we still have special orders--people calling ahead to pick up their milk, yogurt, or tomatoes. But Sundays are the busy family farm day.

But this week was quite hectic during the Monday through Friday days. I've written about my little furkid, Fire, who has lung cancer. What I haven't mentioned is that we have another older girl, Heidi, who is an Australian Sheperd who also has cancer. Yes, two!

Not surprising, I suppose.

We have several furkids (I can't tell you the exact number--my husband might see it!) and with about half in the "older" category, it's bound to happen. We cut the odds somewhat as we are truly organic (no harmful pesticides on our entire farm) and feed a truly premium food mixed with organic meats. But cancer doesn't always play by the rules.

Heidi's tumor was easier to get to and so she had it surgically removed this week. We are hoping to hear that it was low grade and she will be well.

Fingers crossed and prayers going up.

Fire, on the other hand, had news that wasn't as good. Although it still appears her cancer has not spread, the CT showed that it is too close to the trachea for surgery to be recommended. She will start chemo on Tuesday. We are hoping that it shrinks enough to allow better margins.

Why does all this matter to WA? Well, I suppose it doesn't. Except that it does bring me to the point of this crazy week. In fact, it's been a bit crazy here for a while.

You might remember that social media is a challenge for me.

I just don't really like it much. Sometimes I think it might be considered a bane in my life, but really it's not that bad.

So when someone mentioned that my sites should be on Instagram, too, I just cringed. I really did.

I didn't feel that I could take on one more social media setup. So, I decided it was time to think about a little more help.

Yes, I actually asked for help in setting up the Instagram accounts. And I am so glad I did.

Sometimes we just need a little help!

And this was one of those times.

Now I will still have to post, of course. But I've asked my darling daughters to help with that and they so sweetly agreed. (YES! My girls like social media!)

So I'm off to rest for my Sabbath Day. After the week our family has had, we need it.

I wish everyone here a delightful weekend!

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Recent Comments


I really do, mom, I don't have an IG but I do have both twitter and a Pinterest along with Facebook. (i use all 3 that link to my site as well)

I do hope our dogs recover quickly and safely, sending prayers as i have been since the beginning of all this. .

Thank you! I appreciate your help and your prayers.

Continued prayers for your furkids, and it is good you have daughters willing to do your social media, Diane! I don't like SM either!


Thank you for the prayers, Jeff. And yes, I am thankful for any help with SM. 😎

You're very welcome, and don't I know it regarding SM!


It was indeed a hectic week for you; I'm sorry to learn about Fire and Heidi.
Wishing them both a fast recovery.
And social media? Still trying to meet up myself.

Yes, for some of us, SM is quite a problem, it seems.
Thank you for the well wishes for our furkids.

Good for You Diane, you deserved a Sabbath cut back, enjoy it as much as you can.

Thank you, Ed. We are enjoying the time with family.

Wow Diane! You must have a fair few four legged friends there if your husband doesn't even know how many there are!

I hope that fire and heidi are doing as well as they can be.

Enjoy a relaxing Saturday with all the family and catch up next week ok my friend.

Since some look alike, he's never sure how many there are! It's actually been the build up to some pretty funny stories, like the time he came home and a new dog met him at the door and wouldn't let him in- LOL.

Thanks for the well wishes, my friend!

Haha! Great story! I bet your husband was pleased!

He laughs about it, thankfully. Before I agreed to marriage, I let him know that I was a dog person and so he should never ask me to choose between him and the dogs. This many years later, he still tells others about that and laughs, so I guess it's all good. 😂

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