Choose Your Mentor Wisely if You Want to Make a Difference!
"Examine what is said and not who speaks!"
Most of the time when we have to choose a mentor to guide us in our personal and professional development, we face a lot of questions, uncertainties and it is difficult for us to define what she/he should have in order to give us maximum efficiency.
What are the qualities that define a great mentor?
If you are in the same situation, this article will give you clarity, answering your questions.
See it as an opportunity of reflection!
You have to consider that a mentor is a valuable asset that can change your life, being the key to your success.
So, choose your mentor wisely, if you want to make a difference!
Ever since we were children, the beginning of our lives has been paved by various mentors, parents, grandparents, teachers, whose knowledge, guidance, decisions and actions, shaped us as individuals.
In my childhood and adolescence I had four main mentors, who formed and developed the basis of my personality and character.
A female role that has influenced my entire life very strongly, was my grandmother, the mother of my father.
A single mom, just like me, made me understand the value of my independence and authenticity.
She taught me to be disciplined, strategic, and to have the ability to do a lot with very little.
She made me understand and not be afraid of loneliness; to realize that through it, I can know my strength, but as well I can perceive my own weaknesses, I can discover my true personality and the company of other people be an option, and not a necessity.
Thanks to her, I live my life continuously outside the comfort zone, pushing the limits more and more, every time.
From her, I learned the quiet words of kindness; I understood that life demands a price to be successful, which is why she inspired my “thirst” for knowledge, gave me the power of the word and confidence in my own beliefs, following my intuition.
“Not everything that flies can be eaten.”
The main role in my life, has been and still is my father.
For me was my source of listening, to deepen and accumulate as much information as possible, and to apply them in my life.
He taught me to have the ability to optimize every solution to every problem, seeing it as a new challenge.
He developed my meticulousness and attention to detail.
My father is always for the family, so he shows me that life is not just about taking, but especially about giving.
Instead, my mother played a controversial and complex role in my life, because from her I took the strengths, but also negative points, which I turned for myself into positives.
So, they gave me the freedom of decision and action, without being conditioned or obstructing by the opinion of others.
I adopted the direct style from her, but I learned to smooth it with diplomacy.
My mother is the artistic, creative, and aesthetic style in the family, for which I also acquired them. I can say that she has guided me to bring color to my life, to see it as an adventure, to dare to live it and to enjoy the journey.
I have never been passionate or very good at physics, but in exchange, the high school teacher also had an impact on my life.
She was the most drastic and severe teacher, with a very strong and well-defined authenticity and character.
I admired her fairness, wisdom and sarcastic humor.
I learned from her to do and to fight for what I think is right for me, to support my point of view and especially not to follow the flock.
“Those who follows others like sheep, will never know who they truly are.”
All these values from my main mentors helped me to make my actions a noticeable difference.
Why did I tell you all this?
Not to get bored… on the contrary.
I wanted to highlight the importance of following the right mentor who will know how to make a difference for you.
In your development process, the mentor will lead you through the darkness, will help you to navigate through obstacles, to deal with them and to push you forward in your path.
He will highlight how good you will become, will make you to see the hope inside yourself and to learn to trust in your abilities, developing management skills.
In my adult life I was pretty much a lonely fighter, seeing my own mistakes, as well as mentors.
I have very strong values that guide me, and over the years, I have been inspired by several mentors, selecting their values and applying them in my life.
That is why I have created, based on my own experience, a list of the qualities that I consider a great mentor should have in order to give an optimal guidance, both personally and professionally.
He has already gone through this experience and shows you that it can be lived and overcome.
Do you know the airplane crush theory?
What to do the first thing when oxygen masks drops during a depressurization in the plane?
To put on, your oxygen mask before assisting children or other passengers.
Well, this is not just a theory, it is a lesson which need to be applied in real life.
You cannot teach others, if you did not learn the first time; you cannot indicate the path, if you did not go through it first; you cannot help others before you are in optimal conditions to help.
Does it make sense to you?
The same lesson applies to a mentor.
He must have the knowledge, have lived the experiences, have obtained the results and have learned his own lessons before offering guidance.
He is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses.
He knows to identify, to understand and to manage his emotions and emotions of others.
He knows how to stay calm and how to deal with pressure and stress.
It will be a plus for you, because he will know how to create comfort, safety and mutual trust, which will be the basis of your evolution and development.
He won already the war against his mind, that is why he never takes failures personally and he always competes to himself.
He is focused in the business, but is not trapped in it. He knows to work smart and to create assets:
How to make it! How to keep it! How to multiply!
Because he aims for Financial Confidence (to have the abilities and skills to make money anywhere and anytime), and not for Financial Freedom (to have the money now, and after a while to do not have anymore).
He loves to challenge the reality, that is why he never waits for the right moment, instead he creates the condition for it.
He will make you know that to grow, you need to understand, not to suffer, and all your success will depend on your own abilities and skills, and not on the external factors.
The qualities of habits determine in a very high percentage, a person behavior:
waking up in the morning, meditate, exercise, reading, eat healthy.
His great habits will make you understand that you won’t decide your future.
You need to decide your own habits, and these will shape the future for you.
He knows to expand his mind, to be flexible, to anticipate futures opportunities, long before they happen.
He is creative, strategic, seeing the world differently, being ahead of this time.
“You do not have to be born a Visionary, it is a skill you can learn.”
From such a mentor you will definitely learn the skills of being a Visionary, of allowing the one you can be to take shape, and to create different and not only better opportunities.
All this will make you to be a few steps ahead of any game.
“The more you know, the more you realize you do not know.
The less you know, the more you think you know.”
He is in a continuous personal growth, he finds resources, he listens, inform himself, he read and apply the knowledge.
Will give you the desire for knowledge, evolution, development, thus holding information to back up any case.
He sees that “light” in every each person, their qualities and values, believing in a person, when not even that is ready to believe in herself.
He gives priority to people, offers his time to listen and observe their qualities in all aspects.
Understands the limitations of each one, but gives the knowledge to overcome them, and to activate his High Potential.
“Will tell you where to look, but do not tell you what to see.”
This mentor teach and not preach. He will give you the options and he will show you why they are a better alternative.
You will learn to create value with him, and to enjoy, in the same time, all the journey.
Will teach you to do not need him, but to know that if you will need his help, will be available for you.
“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” Steven Spielberg.
His wisdom does not diminish his modesty. He knows that the circuit of life is to receive, but also to offer.
That is why he wants to share in the way it was given to him, showing his Gratitude.
He will listen, will make you a priority, focusing on your needs.
He will give you his respect and his trust, his knowledge and his time; will show you the ability to gain your confidence, to make your right decisions, to choose your right path and to take actions in the right way.
If you find that person you feel comfortable with, who inspires and motivates you by making a strong positive impact on your life, which makes you see and activate your High Potential, then you have found the right mentor for you.
Take wise Decisions to make a wise Difference!
And do not forget:
"NEVER start a business just to 'make money.'
START a business to make a Difference!"
Till next time...
With love,
Recent Comments
I enjoyed reading your words and contemplating your ideas.
Instructors, mentors, coaches and other people who serve as models all play a role in impacting and helping to shape each of us.
They can and will help if help is wanted and acted upon.
Yet the student is always responsible for his or her own success or failure in the end. This idea is one of the most important keys (at least to my way of thinking) - and the idea is to never surrender command of the ship.
Remain the Captain of your own ship and always Choose Your Own Course...
Simply put - that means that each person is ultimately in charge of their own life, and the decisions they make and the actions they take determine all else. This is as it is and as it should be too.
It is very good to get instruction, guidance, help, and support. Then use it all to make your own decisions and take action.
Yet too many people expect someone else to come along and do everything for them - to provide extreme value for nothing of value in return.
In a sense, part of that can happen and does. Anyone who wants it can now access unlimited information on any topic on earth with a laptop, tablet, or phone and an internet connection.
So massive amounts of FREE and valuable information is easily available to everyone.
Action is what makes the real difference. The problem is some want others to DO THEIR WORK FOR THEM TOO...
That doesn't happen in real life, not on any kind of repeatable replicable level anyway.
I like posts and articles that inspire me to think on a deeper level - and yours certainly does that.
Have a great day, and I wish you all the best in all you do.
Best regards,
L.D. Sewell
Thank you for stopping by, and also for your appreciation. I am agree with you that every person is in charge of their own life. But in a certain moment we can get stuck, or we need that leap for change, and in these cases a valuable mentor will help us to do that shift.
That doesn't mean we have to have a mentor all the time. The mentor offers us guidance, prepares us for a certain path, but after that the rest is up to us personally. The seriousness with which we treat the situation, the freedom of self-education, how we apply the information.
I believe that nowadays, the lack of information is not the problem. On the contrary, we have too much, as you said. But lack of valuable guidance is a problem. Both in personal and professional life. But still, guidance alone is not enough.
Kind regards.
I read with pleasure, how ever in my case I learn lessons from my experience and finally realised, the best mentor is my self in higher vibration, or in place of internal silence. In my ocasion, I can here my self from that position when I practice Kung Fu, also during dreaming. Very good point about giving in stead of taking, Altruism is philosophy of inner balance and give, very high level of perception, I think it's the most powerful tull to achieve personal goal of freedom.
Best Regards.
Hello Chris,
Thank you for stopping by and sharing with us your experience.
Some people, Indeed, learn lessons from their experiences, and others do not learn at all, repeating the same mistakes countless times, but expecting different results.
As we talk about personal or professional development, sometimes we need that person to “open” our eyes to see the right direction. And here comes the mentor.
I never had a specific personal mentor in adulthood, but the valuable qualities of the people I saw as mentors, who resonated with my character and principles always inspired me.
That is why I created this article, because all these underlined qualities can offer a powerful guide in everyone’s personal or professional life.
Best wishes for you, Chris!
Have a great weekend.
Of course, everybody different and that's beauty of this world. I have that felling of intuition to make me wrote that comment. My "mentors", from childhood put me to the dark side, so my situation was completely different than most people. But now, I can see it was lesson I survived that lonely, cold, full of hate time.
I wish You all good, on Yours path, the force is with You :) we will be on touch.
Hi Chris,
I would definitely like to keep in touch with you. It is quite possible that your situation was completely different from that of many. You were in the dark side, as you say, which pushed you to discover perhaps your most frightening shadows. You lived them, they were part of you, and they took control over you.
But it looks like something happened that drew you to the bright side. Something that made you defeat your "shadows", accept them, take control of them, and discover another side of you, of which you may not have been aware existed.
You can say that you learned your lesson, in the sense that you knew both sides, you became aware of them, thus taking control of your life, and finding the true freedom. Congratulation!
Kind Regards.
The problem is that, You never know what is really truth, maby Darkness let me lern how reality working on Bright side, lern that type of vibration, to find the solution how this level could be manipulated. Only we have left is trust to the Force, there is explanation waiting at the end of the road...
Powerful message, my question is with all the technology avail today and the experience available through our community, would it be fair to say that the Training ,Webinars and informative blogs posted are Mentors worthy of my full attention, trust and faith. Thankyou Diana, Your post is definitely worth following.Mike
Hi Mike, thank you very much for stopping by and for your kind appreciation.
Certainly, everything that offers value and give us a plus in assimilating information to support our personal development, can be considered a mentoring tool.
Best wishes,
I agree with you Mike. Here at WA we have valuable Mentors: Kyle, Carson, Jay... and soooo many others.
We are just surrounded by them my friend.
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Hi! I saw this post off to the side when I was reading another post you had written. I enjoyed this very much. I have had several mentors in life and been a mentor myself. Both sides require openness to teaching/learning and the will to give time and energy to the relationship. I wish I had a mentor when I started here at WA. Apparently, the person you sign under is the one that is supposed to help. I did not know that and had no idea who it was (I signed up through one of those YouTube ads). Would I have done better or be doing better now (it's been 8 months and I have $0) or would it have not made a difference at all? Who knows? Maybe that is something that needs to made clearer in the beginning. However, this community is wonderful and most questions get answered rather quickly.
Anyway, I only responded because I just wanted to say how much that I enjoyed reading this post.
In appreciation,