Are You a Horse or Unicorn?
I'm a visual person so this resonated with me. Perhaps you've seen it before.
All I know is that I want to be a Unicorn. Aside from them being unique and cool, they never stop growing and learning.
Plus the caption when I saw this said Horse but really, to me, it looks more like a Donkey aka well, you know...........just sayin'. LOL
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I think I wrote a blog many moons ago about taking a leap of faith......... Like Nike says (even though I don't LIKE Nike): Just DO it!
Did you also know, just an aside here, there are multiple mentions in the Bible of the unicorn?
Numbers 23:22, 24:8
Deuteronomy 33:17
Job 39:9 through 12
Psalms 22:21, 29:6, 92:10
A friend of mine was over and saw some unicorn bookends I have and said she had just heard this a couple of days ago or I wouldn’t have thought to mention!
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Hi Debbi, yes, I am very visual also. I think this is the kind of post that I would put out there. It leaves you with thoughts and challenges without saying too much.
I would much rather be a unicorn than a donkey and I have stepped on mean toes(O:
Always a better way Linda
....besides, Unicorns are so much cooler than donkeys. :-)
Isn't that the truth