Do we really understand copyright?


It is important to realize that if you are doing research for content to place on your website, you need to have a basic understanding of copyright laws. Some of the fines for not citing a source can be excessive. I have seen student’s receive fines up to $3,000.00 for a copyright violation.

So, what does copyright cover?

These days copyright is automatic. In other words you do not have to file with the U.S. Copyright Office to receive copyright on a book you may have written. Once you create an original work you have a copyright on it. This would include photographs, videos, printed works, software and artwork. For a more broad definition, it would include the following categories:

-Literary works

-Musical works, including the lyrics of a song

-Dramatic works, including a musical score

-Sound recordings

-Architectural works

-Motion pictures

-Audiovisual works

-Sculptural works

-Pictorial and graphic works

-Choreographic works


So, the website or computer program you created is protected by copyright. That would also include any content you have added in the form of a blog or page that is on your website. Enforcing it may be another matter altogether, since you would have to retain counsel to fight it in the courts. But knowing it is protected, would give the average person pause from just copying it and claiming it as their work. That being said, it would not hurt to place a formal copyright notice on your new work and registering a claim with the U.S. Copyright Office would definitely assist you in the event of a lawsuit ending up in the courts. Of course I would not advise registering a simple blog posting or a page on a website.

How long does a copyright last?

Today, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus seventy years before it would enter into the public domain.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.


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The issue is one of theft. Trying to pass someone else's work off as your own. However, I am more than happy for people to quote from any of my works or give a review as long as they give credit to my source.

we don't have to file for copyright? well that is interesting - but I'm hearing a couple of members give examples of plagiarism, by people who still rank high in google, so there are still theft issues. I know at uni we were warned that plagiarism could result in no degree and dismissal, however, even some of the profs did it when they thought we couldn't spot it!

Yeah, here at this university almost all of the fines are being assessed by the porn industry. They want to collect as much money as they can. If I wrote a book, I would definitely file for copyright even though it is automatically assigned.


Wow...good to know.

Awesome post and great information. So basically, you entire website is copyrighted. What about siting sources in articles etc.? Are there more proper ways to doing so other than simply linking back to the original source?

Typically you cite the author and you would put the page number if your source came out of a book Ex. "Smith, title of book, page #, date".


Thanks Dave

Your most welcome!

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