My Progess


If I had to do it over again

I have been a member of WA for about 2 1/2 months now and I wish I had done things differently.

Be absolutely sure about your Niche

I started on the Certification Courses and about half way through I started to have doubts about my Niche, which is positive inspiration. While building my website and doing further research, I found that everything I had been reading and believing for the past year or so may go against my religious beliefs.

The main reason for this website was mostly for blogging purposes as I was very interested in the topic and it was a continuing learning phase for me. I wasn't even sure that I would make any money from it.

Don't take on too much at once

I needed to rethink things, so in the meantime I had started on the bootcamp and I am now on Course 2 Lesson 1. Things are moving, but at a slower pace than I wanted. I still write posts on my original website, but I am having a hard time with it.

I also started a third website, which is about technology. I haven't done much with this site, but I wanted to at least purchase the domain. This is a topic that I have been interested in for as far back as I can remember and it is what I do in my full time job. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed and realize now that if I had to do it all over again, I would have just started with Bootcamp.


My advice to beginners would be to start with either the certification course or the Bootcamp. I do not suggest doing them simultaneously as it can be a bit overwhelming, as is trying to balance 3 websites when you are still in the learning phases.

Take it slow. Start out with one course and one website. I wish I had taken my own advice not to clutter my mind as now I am at a road block because I can not think straight. Don't make the same mistakes as I did.


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Hey Dawna very sound advice, thank you.

I find I go in fast fits and slow fits. Somewhere between would probably be best but I have done lots of writing reports, manuals and the like so the presentation and wording isn't too hard for me. (Although the previous work was technical I had to present it for the layperson.) So take your time and concentrate on one thing at a time.

I am complete opposite. I am technical so it comes pretty natural. Writing is where I get stuck when it comes to the writing and presentation. Thank you

Yes, I agree... having too much at once can and does overload us. I started in January and I got overloaded with work (I"M a gen, contractor) as I thought Jan. would be slow but it was not. You are at 393 so you are doing good. For some reason I am stuck at course 1, lesson 3 and I can't get past it... was it hard for you or is it just me?

I found it to be slow. You really need to have patience especially if you only have limited time on here. Are you doing Bootcamp or Getting Started?

Oh I'm sorry I failed to mention that I'm doing the bootcamp... geez I thought I would just breeze thru these lessons but it gets almost intricate... or maybe I should just write most anything and then come back later...? I'm starting to procrastinate which I don't like... I'm a perfectionist when I'm doing this and I listen to the lessons sometimes 4 times and I get like paralyzed! I feel like a deer in front of headlights! ha ha ha!! It's rather silly of me but it happens more than not!

An update to my last post... I needed to step away for a while. My regular work was hectic and then I was frustrated here. But no worries! ha ha! I'll get thru it.

How is your learning process coming along? What level are you? Are you doing getting started, or bootcamp?

Getting started course 5, lesson 5 and bootcamp course 2, lesson 1. I hope to finish up with getting started this week so I can work on the bootcamp. Thanks

I absolutely agree. keep up the good works

Thank you

You are right with your advice, to start either one of them. The bootcamp or the getting started, and start with one site when you are not able to work full-time. When you have 1 hour a day to work on your site, 1 site is more then enough to keep up.

Thanks Loes. Once I am done with the courses I will be able to post more. Trying to juggle too much

Internet Marketing is a steep learning curve Dawna.
We all make mistakes along the way and hopefully like you have done we learn from those mistakes.
Don't get too downhearted and I do advise all my newbie followers to take it slow and easy and at their own pace.
I think you are taking too much on with 3 websites though so I would put 2 off them on the backburner until you have a wee bit more know-how and ask ask ask ask questions all the time. I for one will do my best to answer them or at least point you in the right direction.
You have a stress free day.

Thank you for reassuring me. I think I will finish up one of the courses and then continue on when I am finished.

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