Joined Facebook

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Well I jumped in.

You might have felt the earth move out of alignment.

Joined Facebook tonight.

I never wanted to be a part of Facebook. A leader of mine was forceful with me to join FB several years ago. I was adamant "I would never!"

I struggle with the privacy, my past line of work might have something to do with it. Or my fear of being watched. Big Brother phobia.

If it wasn't part of the lessons from Kyle, I wouldn't have joined.

I want to succeed too much to ignore his direction.

It was amazing to see some people the robots suggested.

These computers know too much about us. There is that phobia again.

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Sharing lots of thing with your close friends, relatives, family and colleagues is one of the way to improve our engagement in sosial media especially face book. I was reluctant at 1st to shore lots of things that happen in our life but everything change now as is a good way of sharing. And this leads to communication and also the audience engaging that is important for online business😊😁👌💪👍

Facebook is way overrated. I find it irritating with all the random people who try to add me as a friend that I have absolutely nothing in common with. Having said that I keep a small group of people who actually inspire me and people I actually want to keep up with. welcome to Facebook or what I affectionately call Fakebook

You said the right thing about FaceBook.

Have a great day.

I know how you feel David. I don't care for it at all--had an account for about three years though I rarely go onto it. Nevertheless, change seems to always be inevitable!


It's a free resource and can be a way of creating a 'presence'. I post and share and try not to make waves. Always happy to connect and promote posts.

I seem to always be making waves in Zuck's pond.

I'm a paddler.

Do not just add anyone.
Look for your niche and internet friends.
Join like-minded groups.

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