Make them feel included
Hello everybody. Just a quick one from me, especially aimed at new bloggers and video makers from recent observations.
The choice of pronouns that you use is important. It can affect how your message comes across and can convey different styles and moods.
When I went for my Chartered Engineer interviews I was told in very strong terms that I should use the words I and me in the interviews and never we or us. So I used expressions like - I did this, I decided, I made, it was me that created, it was me that succeeded, and so on. The idea being, I was told, that you are creating an egocentric attitude, I’m the engineer, I’m in charge, I make the decisions and so on.
So there I sit, all going swimmingly, I did, I made, I decided …
And then I blundered, “… when we set up the training center …”
What! One of the interviewers picked up on this, almost before I had finished the sentence.
What do you mean – WE.
I made the quickest recovery ever …
When I say we, I mean that I created all the training plans, set up all the training rigs and I created all the training manuals. The other person just provided the premises and the training room.
OK. That’s acceptable, carry on. Panic over, and I passed the interviews.
Now roll forwards to the very next day, when I’m stood in front of a dozen electricians on a training course. My word choice is completely different – all very inclusive, using words like - We must choose, when we select, this tells us, - lots of us and we words. It makes the students feel involved, they feel that they are already achieving something from the course, they feel part of a group. And if you can get the learners to gel as a group, they will self-support each other, they will exchange information with each other, they will help each other with calculations and homework.
A sort of all for one and one for all attitude will prevail.
So my point is, when creating blogs and videos, think about the style of the message that you want to convey. Especially if you have a teaching blog, use those us and you pronouns to make the viewer feel involved. Help them to feel that the video is for them, about them. If they feel that they have been included, that they have been warmly accepted into the group, then they will come back for more.
Try it next time you write something – am I including my viewers. We, me, you, I
Enjoy the journey
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Everyone wants to be appreciated and included. Isolation is used as severe punishment and can cripple self-esteem. We, together, as a team, are all words that make people feel like they belong.
It's a bit paradoxical that we all start as individual bloggers, out here, alone, weaving our unique business plans. But we can't survive without other people being involved in our businesses.
Your points are excellent, Bux! Have a great rest of your Sunday.
You make a very good point about how to use pronouns to describe people in settings. Like mood settings.
Myra ❤
Maybe, but that's no bad thing. It did me no harm 9just my opinion, others will disagree).
Hope you are well, and keeping those guitars rust free and in tune.
Absolutely, Bux, and Thank You for your service! 🙏
My dad and most of my uncles were in the Army during WW-II.
I have nothing but respect for all you guys! 👍👍
I love fresh guitar strings and buy them by the case! Lol 😎
Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸
I believe you Frank, I can imagine you ordering a dozen of each, just in case.
And I'll bet that the strings make a big difference to the sound too.
Yeah, after you play a guitar a certain number of times the strings begin to lose some of their brilliance and, can eventually cause tuning and intonation problems.
I wipe down the strings after I play a guitar make them last longer.
They sell stainless steel strings but I’m not fond of the sound. I prefer the sound of nickel strings instead.
Stainless steel strings will wear down nickel frets pretty quickly, especially with string bending.
I have several guitars with stainless steel frets but I still prefer nickel strings on them.
Strings come in a variety of sizes and configurations.
I never knew that frank. Fascinating. genuinely fascinating. Things like that grab my attention.
And cleaning your kit, absolutely the right thing to do. I still clean the bottoms of my shoes when I get home and get all the little bits of gravel out.
Have a great week as it begins to unfold for us.
Just had a letter from the hospital, I don't need to go back until the end of November. See ... there are bright lights in the world.
I certainly love your style, Bux! I appreciate the training/sharing here.
Super Sunday, I hope.
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So true, Bux!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the comments. Appreciated.