Tech Support Scam


Is it advisable to give access to your computer, desktop only, or dashboards, or websites to technical support to get an issue fixed?

From what I have read, it comes down to the issue - is this person reputable or fraud? Not only is there a "Tech Support Scam" that are deliberate fraudsters, but there are also bad employees as well.

Tech Support Scam - Once the supposed tech support gets access to your machine they install malware that sometimes also includes ransomware. They also leave back doors open that allow them continued remote access to your machine for later use.

Remote access technology is out there and it works, however it is all about who you are allowing access.

So can you trust this person or not?

The technology is actually the same as having tech support visit your home. But that is a face-to-face encounter that instills more trust than a stranger on the internet.

Does the remote support tech actually know what they are doing? How experienced is this company? They could actually do more damage if they are not knowledgable.

So how do I tell if the person is on the up-and-up?

The advice that security specialists are advising is this:

Did they contact you or did you contact them??????

Most fraudsters contact you first - either by a phone call or a fake e-mail. If you have solicitated the support yourself and have checked out the company in advance then you will have a high level of trust.

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I agree with you. We should be extremely careful giving remote access to our computers. I recently gave access to AVG to fix a problem with my antivirus. I was very nervous and did not move from my screen for 3 hours while they were fixing the problem. I must say they are very professional and tell you all the way what they are going to do next. Other than that, I will not give access to anyone else:))

Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, just make sure you are the one initiating the remote access if you do happen to need it again, but even then be careful on who you call. I noticed when I googled AVG the first result is a paid ad for AVG support - but it is not AVG! The second paid ad is AVG. So that is a perfect example on being careful.

Thanks Darleen. Luckily I am a paid member with AVG for more than 6 years now and only access their support team from the program and not directly from the internet:))

Hi Darleen,
Recently I got involved with a "Tech Support" that had a bit tel-con number on their website. I found out later that this company only uses e-mail for contact between themselves and customers. I hung up on the "Tech Support" before they could do any damage.

You do have too be careful in whom you are dealing. There is a new "shyster" coming out of the woodwork every day.

Thanks for your blog.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I agree with you - to be careful in whom we are dealing with, there are so many internet crooks out there.

Excellent advice, Darleen.
There are many who live to prey on others. It is really a form of thievery and with little or no consequences it, unfortunately, is very popular and prevalent.
Buyer Beware is the word here.

Thanks Paul, yes, that is what I was thinking - buyer beware.

I advise not to let anyone unless you know and trust them to remote in to your PC.


Yes, there are so many tutorials out there on YouTube now days; most things are on there so I would definitely try that first.

True enough Darleen. Few if any sit in place to scam' They have to come at the customer in some way!

Yes, so that's the bottom line I guess - the fraudster doesn't sit at home waiting for a call.

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