Creating a Landing Page that Converts
Hello all
I'ts been a while since my last blog post but I only want to bother you with a little piece of information I found on the web.
I know there has been video training on the subject but it doesn't hurt to learn more about a topic. Like I've mentioned in the past I came across Elegant Themes blog posts very recently.
I highly encourage you to sign up for their blog updates because they are filled with priceless information. Yes they will try to sell you a premium theme but it's not that bad.
Moving on. I came across a Landing Page "tutorial" post. I guess you could call it.
They talk about aesthetics and the anatomy of a great converting landing page created with one of their premium themes (Divi) but I feel like you guys should head over there and give that piece a nice read.
The author also provides some really great links so you know more about the subject.
Every time I have a new post I'll try to share something of value with you guys because I believe that many of us are here to learn something new. I'll try to add value to your time.
Take care guys and thanks for reading
Recent Comments
Glad you guys like the info.. I came across another blog post about free images I'll put that up in a while too
Thanks, Danny. A very useful post.