1 Hour's Work Resulted In Earning 5 Figures $?

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You'd probably think I was crazy if I told you that you could work for just 1 hour & earn a 5-figure income as a result, right?

But it's true - you can & in this blog post I'm going to explain how.

First though before I do that I want to take the opportunity to mention that the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday deal is coming soon.

I feel it's important to mention that because this deal only comes once a year and it is truly not to be missed. It also may never appear again (at least not at its current super-low price).

With the Black Friday deal you'll be able to get an entire years worth of Wealthy Affiliate membership for just a mere $299... And even if the Wealthy Affiliate price ever increases in the future by taking advantage of the deal you will get access to that super-low price forever.

That works out as being less than $1 per day (only ~$0.82 per day 😮).

So if you can then you should definitely take full advantage of that deal when it surfaces.

But now moving back onto the topic of my blog post...

Earning 5-figures from 1 hour's work sounds crazy, right?


Well it's actually not, because I was just thinking about my very first website & at the point I begun earning a full-time income from it the site actually had less than 200 posts on it.

So think about this... If you can set 1-hour per day aside to get some content put together for your website - and you make a goal to do that consistently each day for the next year ahead, then you could potentially be the owner of a 5-figure earning website come this time next year.

And we all know how quickly the years fly past... It'll be here before you know it.

But success is simply all down to that long-term vision & consistency.

That's all...

Take the gym for example - if you went to the gym today you wouldn't expect results tomorrow.

However, if you went to the gym each day from now onward for an entire year then at this time next year you could potentially (and likely would) be in the best shape of your life...

I'm sure you know that.

And it's the same with your business.

If you make the decision to dedicate a mere 1 hour each day towards your business & do that for the next year then this time next year you could be the owner of a thriving online business.

And how would that look for you?

What would having a thriving online business mean to you?

Would you be willing to dedicate a mere 1-hour per day for the next year to achieve it?

I hope so, because I know the potential that's available for you if you do.

You see all too often I see people looking for "tricks", "tips" or "secrets" but the real secret is right there staring them in the face - it's simply to take consistent action.

All the successful people here have 1 thing in common - they've stayed consistent.

Even when times were tough or "it looked like it wasn't working", they kept pushing forward.

And now they are able to reap the benefits from their efforts.

So if you too wish to reap the benefits of an online business then I challenge you to grab the Black Friday deal & commit yourself to taking at least 1-hour per day worth of consistent action over the next year... Then you can look back this time next year & see how far you've come.

It's been one of the best things I ever did & that's why I so strongly recommend it.

You see time will pass before you know it & as the saying goes...

"A year from now you'll have wished you started today".

So to summarize my post - 1 hour's work, repeated... That's all it takes to find success.

And with that in mind you can make 2020 YOUR year - so with the Black Friday deal fast approaching there's literally never been a better time to take action & make it happen. 🙂

Are you going to make it happen?

I hope so!

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Recent Comments


Congrats! about the advice Staying consistent at most anything you can get results, and this is no different. I started my site almost a year ago and have the 1-year premium and getting the next soon. My next month is my 11th month. I have 200 articles now and am continuing writing articles.

Thanks, Dale, for such a motivational post. You see, most often, we get "entrapped" in our offline activities - work, offline business, family, etc. What you're saying here is just the truth: we need to "sacrifice" some things by setting aside some time EVERY DAY to work on our online business if indeed we have to succeed.

I agree.

Hello Dale,

Thanks for the great inspiring and motivational blog post. It's amazing what can be achieved from writing a blog post a day!

Congratulations on your success Dale, I have just read your profile from an electrician to full-time Internet marketer, fantastic!

Consistency is definitely the key to success, whether it be online or offline. All the successful Internet marketers that I know are consistent.

Wishing you continued success.


Brilliant Dale.

Reminds me of another post of yours using the same metaphor about people expecting to build a business Vs Getting in shape.

You wont get in shape in 3 to 6 months, so why expect to build a business in the same amount of time?

Even a year just touching base on that beach body..same with building a business online, the foundation is there.

(certainly along those lines).

I loved your article hook! I know that just 1 hour is not going to hack it. Hence I wanted to find out what the catch was.

And it was................one hour every day working on adding blog posts. This seems very modest to me. But I see your rationale.

It's what you do with that hour that makes a difference.

Great motivating article Dale.



Yep, exactly Edwin. It's just one small effort, repeated... Compounded effort is the most powerful thing :)

Focus on just 1 hour per day and before you know it you will have put in 365 hours worth of work into your business :)

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