Monthly Update

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Hello WA here's my monthly update, so I been here on WA for 2 months things are moving along I am excited. I am busy working on this website, so I've got 10 post so far of which 6 has been index on the 1st page of Google Hay!! I am a Amazon Affliate, made my call to action page, this is where all my posted is linked to this one page.

I signed up for Google Analyze two weeks ago according to Google Analyze vistor overview I have 274 page views which is 40% new users and 60% returning vistors, that's good considering 2 weeks, I also signed up for Google Adsense two weeks ago as well and made $7.76 first day I signed up, WOW!! I was happy when I saw that, lets me know I am on the right track not much right now but it will be soon, as of today I made $7.83.

Now I got some help from Ross who was so patient with me and he helped me set up Pinterest I did this in two days and now its been 4 days I have 32 follwers still learning about Pinterest, also I have Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Google + all linked to my website and visversa, but I am going to switch Google+ out and put Instagram.

I read a post here WA from SylviaMG which she'd talked about free web submissions where you can get your site ranked through search engines and directories for free some you have to pay for, but she said go for the one's you don't have to pay for, she got this information from Jerry Hung as well. I did submit mine awaiting results, will keep you updated.

Goals For Next Month:

  1. Contiune to work on social media sites to bring in traffic
  2. Sign up with Google Advertisement they have a special for first timers they give you $100.00 of advertisement monies if you put $50.00 so that's $150.00 in advertisment
  3. Publish 2 posts a week
  4. Follow up with the free web submission

I want to thank the whole WA community for all of your support and encouragement, keep up the good work guys. P.S. if anyone need any help with anything don't hesitate to reach out to me.


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Recent Comments


My goodness, you have been busy. Congratulations and thank you for sharing,
Elaine and Scarlett

Thank you for the encouragement Elaine & Scarlett, hoping you continued success here at WA.

Congrats and best wishes as you move forward!

Thank You! Hope you much success as well.

Keep up your great work, Cynthia, you are doing well, and congratulations for being indexed by Google.

Thanks Jacqueline for the encouragement...

Thanks for the Share Cynthia!

No problem James thanks for reading...

Hi Cynthia, some great realistic goals here. :) Cass

Thanks Cass...

you are doing very well congrats.
Yes submit to the free directories they do bring in traffic , not much but every little bit helps

Thanks Cav, for the tip.

Hi Cynthia

Congratulations on your progress and getting indexed.

Keep up the good work

Great goals

All the best

Thanks Jennifer for the encouragement.

You are most welcome

All the best

Awesome achievements and awesome goals Cynthia!

Keep up the good work!


Thanks Smartketeer for the encouragement..

My pleasure!

Congratulations Cynthia :)

Thanks Marley...

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