Find Your Mojo!


WA turned my day to day life upside down. I had a schedule that worked for me. I was happy. I made it through the daily grind without much pressure. I felt satisfied at the end of the day. Then I joined WA.

So, with a home based business as our main income earner, I woke when I wanted to wake. I worked when I wanted to. I had my work to do, but it was up to me when I wanted to do it during the day. My addiction to WA turned it all upside down and inside out.

I was staying up late, or not going to sleep at all. I do what I do when I start a new business venture, I study. I did the lessons in WA, then did them again. I kept changing my niche, then back, then back again. I entered the SWAG training. I began a new site once again. Narrowed it to one niche and one SWAG site. Then....

It hit me one night, I could do both (SWAG and Niche) in the very first site I started. I scratched everything and started over again. Then...(I know right), my son (college grad in marketing) came by the house with two of his old textbooks. He had about 3/4 of one book tagged out and several chapters of the other and said you need to read this.

I dug into them and all my random thoughts, concerns, ideas and the big plan came together. We got on the big board (in my office, one wall is a giant whiteboard) and listed it out from start to finish. The formation of the company. The business plan. The main components of the business were born that day. I started it all up. I lost concentration. I worked for hours, but it wasn't progressing as fast and efficient as I wanted it to. I was up late, back up early. I was working long hours, but wasn't getting it done even though I had set deadlines. I was falling behind on SWAG Training. I felt like something was holding me back. It was obvious.

I had lost my mojo. The drive was there, but the results weren't. I started doing some testing. I was going to set some hours. Long hours, but set hours. Although previously, before WA, I had a good schedule, it was structured for one job, not two. So I decided to restructure my day.

I was in bed by 10 pm. I put my phone down at exactly 10. No Twitter. No News. It was bedtime big man. Time to go to bed. Lights out!

I started waking up at 4. Showered. Coffee. Started up my motivational spiritual music on Alexa and started working on my day job. When everyone woke up around 6, I was about done. I did what I could do to help the wife and daughter get ready for their day. Then back to work. Finished by 8 every morning. Breakfast. Back to work. Now on to WA.

Alexa off. No music. Plan in hand (well on the whiteboard), I started writing. It flowed. 53,000 words and 21 training videos later, It was done. Not my site, but the first of 3 products. Yesterday, I sent the content to a proofreader. I sent the videos to an editor. With a launch set for 3/1, my 11 affiliates are set and the first product is complete. I am now free to do my SWAG training.

I found my Mojo. It was in my daily schedule. Just changing it up, setting different hours, finding the right work/life mixture allowed me to become 100% more efficient with my time which resulted in two months of work being reduced to only two weeks.

Find your Mojo. Little tweaks of your workflow can change your life and make you a more effective writer, researcher and business owner.

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Recent Comments


Mojo is the crucial point for everything in life. It’s good that you can accurately point out that ‘felling’and Associate it with a process, most importantly the solution.
I was also inspired reading a few of your posts. The ‘True Businesman’s attitude to entrepreneurship.

Really? gosh I am so unstructured. Good to have a little man come home from school and give you some help. I bet he learned something from you though heh?
Thanks for the hint....
Cheers Jae ☼

Hi Goran,

What a great post. Thank you very much. I need to restructure my day really. Sometimes I sleep at 1 or 2 am and I guess that's the culprit.

I gotta go now, almost 11 CE time. You rock.

Arline :)

Wow I'm impressed but not entirely enticed. Don't want to make my life all work and no play.

Goran...good point. Guess I neglected to say that since I am done with phase 1 of 3, until I start phase 2 (May 1st), I will shut down about 5:30 everyday. No Sundays. I have worked my entire life but refuse to work on Sundays.

But good call.

As Dave Ramsey says, live like no one else, so later, you can live like no one else. Words I have lived by for about 20 years. I will work hard now so later I am set up to live like most can't. I am almost there.

You are an organized man. Nothing more to say. Good post, there are some lessons in there for me.

Thanks Grant. I try. Thanks for serving and giving me the opportunity to thrive.

Wow, I am inspired! My husband & I own a small seasonal business and that's our 'day job'. I've been reading, researching and doing WA on the job when there's any down time so I get it. Nice work on accomplishing so much in that time frame and for setting a schedule to reclaim your Mojo! I wish you immense success on your upcoming launch!

Crystal know the pains of staying on track. Love the seasonal businesses, I unfortunately get no breaks in the day job, but it is a half days work overseeing it. I am done June 1st.

We are giving the company to my daughter. It fits her and she has been step for step with me for the last two years getting ready. She's actually been ready, so it is time to turn her loose.

Thanks for the good wishes. Sending them your way also!

Congratulations on getting addicted in a good way. Follow your dream and keep on going. All the best.

This is an awesome post Craig.

It's amazing how a simple agenda can help you accomplish in weeks what can take others months just like you mentioned.

Just to add, congratulations for getting all that done so fast.

Very inspiring,


Thanks JaRon....I guess old guys CAN learn new tricks.

of course, we ALL can haha

Very nice .

Thanks Artian.

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