Crush Self-Doubt with Sass: Embrace Confidence, Beyonce Style

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Hey friend, let me tell you something - self-doubt can be a real pain. It creeps up on you like a little goblin in your mind, whispering lies and making you second-guess yourself. We've all been there! But don't worry, I've got some tried and true tips to kick that pesky self-doubt to the curb.

First, you must accept that nobody is perfect - not even Queen Bey! We all have flaws and quirks, so don't beat yourself up. Learn to laugh at your mistakes - they make you human. Once you realize it's normal to mess up sometimes, it gets easier to brush it off and move on.

Another big one is surrounding yourself with positive people. Spend time with folks who lift you, not put you down. Your squad should build you up, not tear you down. Their encouragement can do wonders for your confidence, trust me.

And when you do fail (which will happen!), remember, it's just part of the journey. Thomas Edison tried thousands of times before he invented the lightbulb. Each stumble gets you closer to success, so keep on keeping on. The only absolute failure is when you stop trying.

Here's another helpful tip - challenge those negative thoughts! When that sneaky goblin says, "You can't do it," tell it, "Oh yeah? Watch me!" Turn your doubts into challenges to prove yourself wrong. Battle your inner critic and win!

Last but not least, take care of yourself, girl! Get your beauty rest, eat some green stuff, move your body, and do things that make you happy. Self-care makes it much easier to tune out the self-doubt and feel confident. It's like putting the goblin to bed!

There you have it - a few ways to tackle self-doubt with a side of sass and self-belief. You've got this! Now strut your stuff and show the world what you're made of!

Thanks, you all - I wish you continued success and a terrific day!

The Country Countess

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The Countess Rules!


Self-Care is an Awesome Priority
for everyone, always be good to

Peace And Blessings To All !


Thank you.

Hi Lula, self doubt is bad for online business because it's difficult and does not provide results overnight. One has to work very hard

Thank you.

I don't think Beyonce is quite my style Lula, but let me just say this.
The world is full of 80 percenters. They will put time, effort and money into 80% of a project and then stop because its too hard, people will be looking at them, its silly, what will my friends say, I'd rather hit the wine bars.
Just flippin' do it, get on with it. Make those Goblins work for you. People will still talk about you, but now they will be praising you for hitting that 100%.
Don't be an 80% person, finish the job.

Thank you, Captain Bux!

Captain Lula :) I am now self-doubtless and totally drunk in love with Beyonce and Jay Z 😁🤣

I appreciate the sharing here.

Thank you, Captain Abie!

You're awesomely welcome, Captain Lula. :) And Ahoy! How's your sailING comING along?

Thanks again, Captain Abie! And Ahoy.

You're welcome again, Captain Lula! And Ahoy!

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