Keep On Building Your Own Virtual Real Estate

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Hello WAers, what a great morning to start! I've got some referrals today, thought maybe I can inspire my friends here in Wealthy Affiliate by sharing a motivational message today.

While we envy our top performs here in Wealthy Affiliate for their big monthly commissions, let's not forget that small successes are equally worthy of celebration. We should appreciate small achievements.

What do we do here?

Creating A Virtual Real Estate

I was on chat the other day with a friend on Facebook, the topic was about network marketers ending up with nothing after long years of trying to build a business online.

(I've got so many friends on network marketing online)

The reason for having nothing?

They never mind to build their own websites.

Most online marketers particularly network marketers, they only focus on income---how much money they're making per week or per month.

I remember one friend told me, "I don't need a website, I can earn money even without a website." So, I didn't insist to him creating a website. I just nodded, "Okay, go on. Do what pleases you."

Today, he's starting all over again, joined another network marketing and recruiting people from scratch. He got no website to have people permanently visit him to get updates. And since he doesn't have a website, he also failed to build an email list.

Unlike a virtual real estate like your own website, a social media profile like your Facebook profile is only good for your most loyal followers. You cannot hope the search engines like Google will direct traffic to your Facebook profile so people searching for uplines to join will find you.

It Will Save You On Costs

My chat with a friend started with the topic about online marketers using Facebook ads. He's feeling lazy he doesn't want to blog. To him, blogging eats a lot of time.

Pointing to how expensive Facebook ads have become nowadays, he realized that in order for a marketer to continue seeing good results, he must also continue spending money on ads.

Advertising stop, income stop.

To a traditional-minded entrepreneur, there's nothing wrong with that. Costs in advertising are integral part of building a business. Even if your business is a restaurant business in the offline, you still have to spend on ads so customers will find you.

What if I told you that in online business particularly in blogging, there are people who are reaping rich rewards perpetually from a single effort of posting an article years ago?

Yes. Work stop, income continue!

And guess how much did the blogger spend on that single post?

It's zero.

(Oh, sorry, there's a cost in hosting the blog)

Or, should I say, "The cost is minimal"?

I've Got Living Examples

I don't wanna promote him here, but I'd like to mention his name. His name is Stone of PIPS, my first teacher in online business. (Kyle is my teacher now)

Would you believe that the blog posts in his site I read ten years ago, the posts I read when I was just starting out, can still be found online even today?

And what if I told you that those blog posts still receive traffc from Google today? And maybe revenues, too.

(I just used him as an example, don't join him, join me instead)

So, it's like building an apartment house that will generate you rental income for years to come. A permanent real estate, not offline but online. That is the thing we're building here!

If you're not yet a member of Wealthy Affiliate, if you found this blog post while wandering in Google looking for an income opportunity, then you landed in the right place. Join us here.

To my fellow WAers, keep going. Keep on building your virtual real estate online.

Who knows, how much residual income for life would flow out from it?

Thanks for reading.


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Recent Comments


Building virtual real estate is a smart move in today's digital age. Just like physical property, it requires time and effort but can be highly rewarding.

I already know that if you need a quality home for yourself or just for investment in North Cyprus, you need to turn to the professionals that I have turned to myself. So I can try to help with this, here I found a great option for myself, so you can also look, great property at an adequate price, what you need now.

Hi, Coach.
Nice to hear from you again.

I trust that you are well.

I've always maintained that if you do not have a website (virtual real estate) you are really not online.

Eventually, people will get it.

Onward and upward my friend from the Philippines.

Kindest regards,

Paul Mindra.

Awesome post.

Thank you! :)

Great post, my friend!

You're welcome. And thanks, too, for the comment. :)


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