Beating Procrastination-at Last-and-Moving Forwards!

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I Have finally done it!

Moving forwards with confidence now. Action taken. I have just signed up to my first EVER affiliate network They have accepted my application as an affiliate marketer........... for the very first time.I am SOO happy!!!

Thank you to all of you from WA for your support soo far. You are helping me through a BIG life and career change and I appreciate all you help, advice, time and patience.

To everybody that is just starting at WA!!!!!!!! Good luck in the training and all this best with your business ideas.

Remember 'One step at a time everything gets accomplished"

....just keep taking ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!l


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Way to go. keep it up.

Hi Clare,

Doesn't it feel good to stave off procrastination and be able to accomplish a task you've been putting off?

Being the king of procrastinators I know where you are coming from. Being as how I've done it my whole life I find myself doing it for little things. At that point I just tell myself to quit being an idiot and take care of the task.

As old as I am I'll probably never be free of it but you're probably a lot younger so build on the good feeling you got from when you quit procrastinating and went ahead to accomplish something you've been putting off.

Have a good one,

Congrats on your first affiliate acceptance. I am just spreading my wings that direction and really like FlexOffers. Who did you sign up with?

Hey Mark,

I've signed up with quite a few affiliate programs but just couldn't do FlexOffers. I finally gave up when I figured my website and traffic wasn't going to meet their standards

They have a number of good advertisers and I would like to sign with them. Did you have any problems signing up with them? Do you have any suggestions to think about when I try them again?

Have a great day,

Good for you. Keep up the good work

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